15 Poor Souls Having A Terrible Day

As humans, it's virtually impossible to avoid having a bad day once in a while. While we try our best to avoid them, we can't outrun the agony of bad luck. Sometimes, things just don't go too great. We have no control over them, and we can't help but feel a little bad for the people whose days are more full of disappointing things than ours. Hopefully you never end up on one of these lists, because it means your day was so bad we feel a little better about our own lives after seeing the disasters at hand.
But if you're one of these less fortunate people, we encourage you to share your awful stories with the online community, because while we're not always the most sympathetic, we could always use an example of what could go wrong. One place to submit these incredible tales of misfortunate is on Reddit, where readers are quick to empathize with original posters sharing their difficult times. Below are 15 of our favorite photos. Our thoughts are with these extremely unlucky souls.