24 Images That Are Oddly Hateable

Have you ever seen something and instantly hated it, even if you can't describe exactly why? This is a common occurrence; so common, in fact, that a whole subreddit, /r/TIHI, exists, where people upload images that they can't help but hate. Whether it’s just a hateable concept or imagery that really leaves our skin crawling, there’s something to hate in every one of these photos and works of "art" found by the online community. And there's certainly a wide variety of this sort of content, one we brought to share with you today in this collection of unlikable imagery.
Take a good, long look at the following twenty images, which you'll probably not enjoy. Well, you'll appreciate them, but in a rather different way. Because all of these photos, screenshots and more are candid takes on some hateable things in life, from bad DIY creation designs to meme templates being used in concerning ways. Here are some of our so-called "favorites" from the world's most hateable subreddit, /r/TIHI.
The Most Powerful Power Strip
(Source: Reddit)
I'm pretty sure your place would catch on fire the moment you plugged this in.