10 Memes From All Corners Of The Political Compass
Get ready, because things are about to get slightly political. Well, not really. By slightly political, I'm referring only to these memes being based on the classic political compass. The political compass is a very popular structure for memes, with people posting their perceptions of how people on all sides of the spectrum would be reacting to different situations, and it's been a recognizable format online for a long time, constantly evolving into new memes.
We're not about to lecture you about politics, because we really don't want to talk about anything serious on here. We're a meme site. You don't come here looking for any real politically informative content, or at least I certainly hope you don't. We've collected some great new memes based on the political compass that hopefully won't offend anyone. These are some of the most notable new memes made by experts on the political meme spectrum.
Yeah, He “Reduced” a Lot of Things, Including People
He probably impregnated more woman than people he killed, though, so there's that.