
10 Social Media Stories That Definitely Didn't Happen

Two cringeworthy stories that definitely didn't happen.
Two cringeworthy stories that definitely didn't happen.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

'That happened' is a sarcastic term used online in response to tales and stories that are suspicious, unbelievable and more than likely fake. The term is said to originate from the television show Friends, where one of the main characters Phoebe responds "Yeah, I'm sure that happened" when Rachel claims she kissed a girl.

Ultimately, the subreddit /r/thatHappened was created in 2012 and is known as a "place for posting people telling outrageous tall tales that would make Walter Mitty proud," as per the subreddit's description. People have used this subreddit to share crazy and fake stories that have been spotted on social media, and we found some of the most ridiculous and funny ones for you to enjoy.

Because this is a thing that teachers famously do

(Source: Reddit)

This ridiculously fake story is based on the 2021-2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

7-year-old child enlightens a mother on the true meaning behind taking a selfie

(Source: Reddit)

It is quite obvious that this is fake. The lady's arm looks like she is taking a selfie, and the text on her shirt is reversed meaning the front camera was used.

Beard does not equal Muslim

(Source: Reddit)

This post is painful because of the original poster's terrible tale and because of the terrible spelling error of "fulled" instead of "fooled."

Ain't no way

(Source: Reddit)

And everyone at the bar clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken nuggets story

(Source: Reddit)

Elon Musk story

(Source: Reddit)

Bolt was very fast

(Source: Reddit)

Hard to believe

(Source: Reddit)

Kiss on the head?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: thathappened, /r/thathappened, fail, cringe, funny, lying, people, reddit, twitter, social media, tiktok, collections,