a collection of memes from our fans on Facebook images are of the Trolls film and The Witches and a deadly Mickey Mouse representing Walt Disney World reopening during the pandemic

14 Of Our Fans' Favorite Memes To Sneeze Laugh To

You've been waiting, and we're back with the best of the best from our fans this time around. Our weekly tradition is to annoy you guys into sharing your best jokes so that we can post them (because you have a great sense of humor, of course, not because we're running low on new content in the sea of reposts. Or are we?) and get them the attention they deserve. It's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "meme checkpoint" challenge!

On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week. And make sure you stay tuned for next week's challenge and give us some meme fodder to work with for our next collection.

Who Wasn't Terrified Watching This Movie?

Kids movies Kids movies today when I was a child R.

(Source: Facebook)


yeah.rod What is better than hearing "I love you"e siyamthanda That krrrrrr sound the ATM makes when withdrawing money

(Source: Facebook)

You're Welcome?

people telling me that I'm a good listener socially awkward me who doesn't know how to reply SH4F3

(Source: Facebook)

How Do I Get One?

Ewoks aren't meant to be left outside, they're Endor pets FB@Random Fandom

(Source: Facebook)

Maybe Tomorrow

I wanted to go jogging but it looks like rain outside

(Source: Facebook)

Darn It

When you finish a conversation and realize it was 78% you just oversharing

(Source: Facebook)

Headphones Now

If 2020 was a sound @goattfishh

(Source: Facebook)

Anything For A Profit

When you close Disney World at 3,000 cases and open it back up at 3,000,000 cases.

(Source: Facebook)

Take A Break Dude

satan when he reads god's plan for july and august

(Source: Facebook)


Old photo of people eating in a restaurant back in 2019

(Source: Facebook)

Baby Steps

I'm gonna be so productive today Me:

(Source: Facebook)

So That's How It Happened

teacher: why are you laughing? me: nothing my brain: exvet Bu ETFL BONK

(Source: Facebook)

We Need A Whole Album Of Songs Like This

Chris Burns @fatcarriebshaw Insane that there's so many songs about love and seemingly no songs about mozzarella sticks

(Source: Facebook)

Looking Good And Feeling Right

me finally leaving quarantine after averaging 18 hours of screen time per day

(Source: Facebook)

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