
15 Attempts That Went Totally Wrong

a collection of failed attempts photos are of a dating app profile where the user is lying about his age and a newspaper headline calling a pitcher amphibious
a collection of failed attempts photos are of a dating app profile where the user is lying about his age and a newspaper headline calling a pitcher amphibious

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Failure is often the best source of entertainment, especially when other people are there to point it those failures out to everyone else. A good place to find examples of confident people failing spectacularly for all to see is the subreddit /r/ThereWasAnAttempt. This is where the worst of the worst is cataloged, with fails so cringeworthy or simply hilarious that we have no idea how they came to be.

It should be physically and mentally impossible for a human being to mess up this badly. Certainly, someone should have noticed the obvious problems with these things, right? Right? As it turns out, you can't expect people to recognize their own failures, and now we can laugh at them while others suffer the consequences of these disasters. Here are 15 of our favorite attempted tattoos, signs, cakes, and actions that really didn't work out so well.

Happy Birthday?

(Source: Reddit)

Well, That's Impossible

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Guess They Needed To Work Harder

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, It's Definitely Damaged

(Source: Reddit)

What Are The Chances?

(Source: Reddit)

Show Some Respect To FM Radio

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks So Much, Mark

(Source: Reddit)

Please Stop Yelling At Me

(Source: Reddit)

This Horse Has Really Been Through It

(Source: Reddit)

Hide and Seek Fail

(Source: Reddit)

Who Knew Frogs Could Pitch?

(Source: Reddit)

When You Want To Hang Out With The Fish

(Source: Reddit)

Constructing a Wooly Rhinoceros from a Partial Skeleton

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/therewasanattempt, elsa, frozen, cakes, signs, educational books, floods, joker, tattoos, fake ids, fm radio, catfishing, climate change, graffiti, horses, grapefruit, ambidextrous, dogs, paw patrol, collections,