15 'Avengers' Memes For All Marvel Fans
If you've been to a movie theater at any point in the past decade, there is a 10,000 percent chance that you watched or otherwise stumbled upon promotional material for a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. The MCU is full of smaller movies, each with a connected plotline, that then culminate into superhero team-up movies, known as The Avengers series. The Avengers era took off with a huge wave of popularity that still continues to soar. These crossover films really encapsulated what made the MCU shine. Naturally, with a movie that is watched and beloved by so many people, there will be plenty of memes of it to go around.
This is especially true of the two-part movie experience, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, which had millions of fans thrilled by the apocalyptic storyline and whether or not Ant-Man could defeat Thanos by crawling up inside him and expanding. These MCU movies also led to lots of memes, as you can see here.
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