15 Hilarious Memes From Wanda And Doctor Strange's 'That Doesn't Seem Fair' Scene

The latest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, recently released its official trailer on the 15th of February, 2022. This movie is a sequel to Marvel's Doctor Strange movie and focuses on the concept of the dangerous Multiverse. In the trailer, the popular Marvel characters, Wanda and Doctor Strange, are seen to be two of the main characters. With the trailer full of drama and teasers, one specific scene stood out to the internet, in which Wanda says to Doctor Strange, "You break the rules and become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair." This scene has resulted in many hilarious memes being produced where double standards are compared.
The Karen joke is a popular meme about an antagonistic female character that tends to complain.
The Russia vs Ukraine battle is one that has been heavily memed in 2022. Whilst the drama is filled with political controversy, the internet has found ways to turn it into a humorous situation.
It's a common joke that Maths teachers want things to be correct in their way, with their version of working out. This meme exemplifies that joke!
Do you ever take a moment to think about how much damage and destruction superheroes do in their movies? Cause repairing all those cities would be a pain.
This meme uses the classic Crying Wojak vs Chad meme template. With some great editing, it's now the Crying Wandavision vs Doctor Strange meme!
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