15 Hilariously Awful Memes From The Boomer Side Of Facebook

Facebook is the best place for Boomers to become meme famous. However, most of them share a link to a political cartoon, trying to be woke beyond ironic intent. The sorts of memes they wind up creating aren't really the best out there, and they're actually rather uncomfortable to look at at times. Other times, they're just so bad they're hilarious.
We all know a Boomer who posts things like this on social media (either that, or you are one). Fortunately, some of these are too good to ignore, and they're a whole subgenre of memes known to the internet. They're often known simply as "Boomer humor" images, and they live up to the nonexistent hype. So, we've gathered some favorites for you to enjoy today. We wish some of these were ironic, but most likely, the OG creator actually thought they were doing something. You be the judge with these 15 Boomer memes.