15 Memes For Your Next Debate About Modern 'Star Wars'
Star Wars has changed a lot since the first movie aired decades ago. We have sequel memes to prove it. While they're not nearly as popular as prequel memes, sequel memes are a great change of pace as well as a place to vent about our frustrations surrounding the latest movies.
Venting about the sequels appears to be one of the biggest pastimes of our generation. For example, I firmly believe that the final movie would have been drastically improved and every complaint I've had about the sequels would be redeemed if J.J. Abrams had used Darth Jar Jar instead of Palpatine as the main villain, especially if Jar Jar was still Rey's grandfather. Other people have far more profound complaints about the last few movies (to be fair, there's a lot to talk about here), and these memes are also therapeutic in processing all of those. Take a look at some of the best new sequel memes below.