Meme Encyclopedia

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The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

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Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm meme.

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15 Memes Proving That Nature Is Healing In These Trying Times

Collection of "We Are The Virus" and "Because Of Less Pollution" Memes
Collection of "We Are The Virus" and "Because Of Less Pollution" Memes

Published April 29th, 2020

Published April 29, 2020

If there has been one silver lining to this pandemic and social distancing madness, it's that nature is healing. Less car and energy use means the planet has more time to breathe and air has gotten noticeably cleaner during the various lockdowns. Italy's canals became supposedly clearer. Dinosaurs returned to walk the earth.

Alright, so nature isn't really getting all that better during the coronavirus lockdowns, but arguably the best memes to come out this awful time are "We are the virus" and "Due to less pollution," two formats which poke fun at people who think it is. While some breathlessly and sincerely shared (fake) pictures of dolphins in Italy's canals, others went the extra mile and showed some other, more ludicrous miracles that have occurred as a result of social distancing.

Jimmy Barnes

(Source: Twitter)

(Source: Reddit)

Kylie Jenner

(Source: Twitter)

The Cloud

(Source: Reddit)

The Star Wars Opening Crawl

(Source: Reddit)

Silent Hill

(Source: Reddit)

The Buffalo Buffalo

(Source: Twitter)

The Lime Scooters

(Source: Twitter)

John Cena

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Twitter)

The Cakes Are Back

(Source: Twitter)

Bon Pain

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Reddit)

(Keanu Reeves Voice) Whoa

(Source: Reddit)

Simply Amazing

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: we are the virus, due to less pollution, coronavirus, quarantine, collections,

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