a collection of presidential race memes photos are of Ben Affleck taking a smoking break representing Joe Biden's campaign manager and Donald Trump revealing a new law about the internet hurting his feelings

15 Memes To Remind You That A Presidential Election Is Happening This Year

The United States is not only battling a pandemic, but inner turmoil and protests at the moment and yet somehow, we still have a Presidential Election coming up in November. While Joe Biden hasn't been officially selected as the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary candidate, it's safe to say he will be running against Trump later this year. And while the world feels very precarious and stressful at the moment, we at least have the subreddit /r/PresidentialRaceMemes to poke fun at the insanity of politics.

Twitter Bad

Internet Hurt My Feelings Act

(Source: Reddit)

Teddy Roosevelt Would Never

Presidents in 1900 Presidents now I have just been shot at point blank range but I'm still going to give this 84 minute speech and twitter hurt my feelings mock the fool who shot me

(Source: Reddit)

Deep Breaths

Biden's campaign manager after every live interview

(Source: Reddit)

Must Be Nice

Corporations watching Trump versus Biden knowing they win either way 241 %24 $40 made with mematic $

(Source: Reddit)

Hit Me With Those Typos

obviously fake news. websites with typos in the name boomers

(Source: Reddit)

Life Doesn't Always Go As Planned

What I thought 2020 was going to be like: What 2020 is actually like:

(Source: Reddit)

Get Outta Here

Americans defending their private health insurance plans like Don't touch my garbage

(Source: Reddit)

And That's How You Win

Hillary Clinton watching Biden move further right, not show up anywhere, hide, and win You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

We Can't Win

hBAHAMAS Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who's gonna blast me in the ass.. EAHAMAS or the Republican who's blasting my ass?

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Government, Very Cool!

Average Americans asking for $2,000 a month to survive the corona, pay rent, and buy food. Then seeing Trump and Pelosi hand trillions to corporations, lobbyist, and donors I am never going to financially recover from this made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Invade Us Please


(Source: Reddit)

This One Is Hard

Choose your fighter Donald J. Trump Joe Biden @realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden CHINA! Enough. 9:01 AM May 29, 2020 · Twitter for 10:04 AM 5/29/20 Twitter Web App Barack Obama O @BarackObama Rudy W. Giuliani @RudyGiuliani Vote. 2:44 PM 5/14/20 Twitter for iPhone 8:48 PM 5/29/20 Twitter for iPad %23

(Source: Reddit)

There's Always That

Being screwed no matter who the wins the election Getting to make fun of the loser

(Source: Reddit)

Cool Cool Cool

Millennials watching Biden versus Trump on the news knowing neither will help us made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Everything's Fine

The left watching Trump versus Biden during a global pandemic, with millions unemployed, and a financial crisis We're all gonna die! made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

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