15 People Blaming Millennials For Literally Everything

While the intergenerational war rages on between Baby Boomers and Millennials, it is still wildly entertaining to see older people blaming the latter for basically everything. If Millennials aren't killing something, they are certainly eliciting fear by their very existence. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, since most of what Millennials do is sit at home playing video games and inheriting the problems the older generations left them with.
The intergenerational drama never ends, and no matter what they do, young people are lumped in with the "lazy, no good Millennials" by people like these. And honestly, they're not offended, they're just disturbed by how upset some people are by their very existence. Some say Millennials are "ruining" good old-fashioned things that no one can afford anymore, or even just completely nonsensical things that they definitely have nothing to do with at all. Here are 15 of our favorite accusations collected from the subreddit /r/DeathByMillennials.