Two Greentext Stories from the following collection.

15 Wholesome Greentext Stories Proving 4chan Isn't As Dark As You Might Think

No one really thinks of 4chan as a positive community, but there's some good beneath the twisted memes and unhealthy anime obsessions. Here are some of 4chan's best Greentext Stories that aren't anything like what you'd expect. If you're looking for a reminder that wholesomeness exists even in the darkest of places, here are some of the best posts from 4chan that'll leave you in a much better mood than scrolling through /pol/.

Happy Meals and Happy Feels

File: happy pep.png (34 KB, 200x161) O Anonymous 05/04/21(Tue)11:16:43 No.853625853 [Reply] >be me >have bad day at school >parents can't pick me up >call uncle Jappy meal >uncle sees im in a sad mood "hey you wanna get some mcdonalds anon?" >i like mcdonalds sure >not sad anymore >thanks uncle:) >get mcdonalds >uncle is being funny

(Source: Reddit)

Life Is Good

: Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)21:04:37 No.63503742 > Be me about 5 months ago > Cold as f--- outside. Snow and s---. > Go inside > Take a hot shower > Get dried off and make a glass of 63 KB JPG hot chocolate > Light fireplace > Sit down on couch and start playing vidya > Dog jumps up next to me and lays down > Life is good

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Siblings

: Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)23:20:35 No.63512098 > be me > big bro > had a bad day at school > no one talked to me > complete f------ loner > little sister comes into my room > "wanna play a game anon?" 394 KB PNG > sure, better than just sulking > shes giggling her ass off >I actually start to cheer up > "I love you anon" > what > oh > she loves me > holding back tears at this point > "I love you too" > she leaves Thank you sis. >>63512009 # Anonymous 05/04/21(Tue)02:10:15 No.63512009 3512244 > be me > little sister > notice my big bro is actin sad > idea.jpg > go to his room > "hey anon's bro wanna 3512261 10 KB JPG play a game" bot > "sure" > laughing my ass off > he actually starts to cheer up > "I love you anon's bro" nis > "I love you too anon" > he's smiling now > leave is this I hope he feels better tomorrow 6 replies and 4 images. Family | 시

(Source: Reddit)

A Lasting Compliment

: Anonymous 03/24/21(Wed)19:36:28 No.62896081 >girl in 11th grade once said I have pretty eyebrows and the girl next to her agreed >still remember it to this day 195 KB PNG

(Source: Reddit)


: Anonymous 05/03/21 (Mon)00:50:06 No.61283944 this is an old mire but i've never written it out >ride my bike to the park by the 83 KB JPG lake >start doing pullups on the monkey bars >truck pulls up in front of the park with boat hitched behind it >fishing bros roll down the windows and start yelling, counting my reps >ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, C'MON ONE MORE, etc. >cheer when i reach ten

(Source: Reddit)

Pets Are the Best

: Anonymous 02/12/19(Tue)20:46:04 No.792494021 >be me, 17f and in treatmen and recovery from r--- >walking through petco to pick up crickets for my friends pet lizard >lock eyes with this cat in the adoption area >she presses her paw up to the 570 KB JPG glass >cryinginpublic.jpg >l impulsively adopt her >two months later, sucidal thoughts almost nonexistent and able to talk to strangers again >cat is my best friend, she never leaves my side when I'm home and encourages me to get out of bed in the morning Don't forget to give your pet a hug today

(Source: Reddit)

A Rare Pepe

: Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)23:27:51 No.753574540 >be 17 >be chatting in group chat with friends >be sending some memes >accidently send a meme to mom >shieeet.jpeg >explain to mom 58 KB PNG >mom sends a rare pepe >allmywut.jpeg >turns out mom knows alot about good memes >now we send memes to eachother almost daily >never been happier all my life >pic related

(Source: Reddit)

Anon Learns To Be Nice

: Anonymous 04/23/21(Fri)12:11:56 No.63344227 >Started genuinely seeing things from people's point of view >Started being kind and understanding even if they're being assholes and throwing insults >Made more friends or rather less enemies than ever before 119 KB JPG Never felt this good in my life. 2 Replies View Thread : Neo 04/23/21(Fri)12:12:28 No.63344231 >>63344227 (OP) # Life can be good. : Anonymous 04/23/21(Fri)12:14:07 No.63344249 >>63344227 (OP) # Congrats anon, I hope things go well for you

(Source: Reddit)

The Firetruck

Anonymous | 804906840 9 min. ago positive dad stories thread >be me, 9 >own a toy firetruck >godifuckinglovemyfiretruck.jpg >bring to show and tell >kids make fun of firetruck 158.5 kB PNG >go home tell dad >dad tells me not to worry about it >next day >dad wakes me up for drive to school >pass school >"dad where are we going?" >"my friends want to meet you anon" >pull up to firehouse >dad told his firefighter friends what happened >get tour of firehouse and meet real firemen >get to honk real firetruck horn mfw my dad took off work just to make me feel better over some stupid toy truck

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Bro

: Anonymous 11/16/19(Sat)07:27:38 No.55367459 >>55367192 (OP) # Always have faith bro >Cat bro doesn't come inside when I call him in for the night >Get worried, can't sleep >Doesn't show the next day, or the next >Week goes by, I'm beside myself knowing my cat's dead >Ten days later neighbor calls me >Said he opened his garage door and thinks my cat bolted out >Run downstairs >Cat bro is sitting by the back door, super skinny but acting like nothing happened Don't give up hope for your bro

(Source: Reddit)

Pen Spinning

: Anonymous 04/28/21(Wed)21:26:27 No.853160931 okay i haven't use this site in many months and id like to tell a greentext even if nobody reads it >be me, 7 years ago >16 year old beta who thought he was a chad, a bit taller than average, over 23 KB JPG grown hair >never had a girlfriend or friends, never even talked to someone in school >would watch a s--- ton of anime >watch hyouka (good stuff) >wants to imitate the main character spin the pen >google how to pen spin like him >learn loads of pen spins over the duration of summer >school starts, sit in the corner, do nothing but spin >betas watch me from afar >lunch break starts, betas come gather around my seat >they wanna watch and learn how to spin >teach them >they invite me out after school >cry and open upto them the coming weeks >realise i was the beta >make friends >23 now with a girlfriend, a job and hobbies >still an avid spinner >mfw an anime character and a f------ pen was the reason of my maturity you can do it fellow anons, i believe in you

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Rocks

: Anonymous 04/27/19(Sat)00:31:16 No.798335037 >be me >have a pretty s-----, boring day >feels sucky >go home >look at rock and mineral collection 23 KB JPG >feel happier instantly Thank you rock and mineral collection

(Source: Reddit)

Enjoying The Little Things

File: apples.jpg (57 KB, 460x460) O Anonymous 09/27/19(Fri)17:28:43 No.54597642 [Rep Enjoying the little things stories? >be me, walking past local market >pass stand with many different apples >desire to eat apple intensifies >select good-looking apple, approach apple lady to pay >"Just the one? You can just have it." >nice early fall day >walk streets eating free apple >it's super juicy and crunchy to the max, 9.5/10 >Thanks, apple lady

(Source: (Source: Reddit)

A Seller in Japan

: Anonymous 08/04/19(Sun)00:54:50 No.806265574 Mint Jam >be me >discover awesome Japanese jazz fusion band "Casiopea" >love them so much order vinyl record from eBay japan Casiopea >it arrives in immaculate condition 130 KB JPG along with two little origami cranes and a pack of tea >little hand written note in English (guy put huge effort into making it look nice) from the seller hoping for the buying experience to be positive and is sealed with real wax seal >make the tea and put the record on in my finished basement >listening to mint jams with origami crane friends >start to cry because nobody will ever love me as much as that random Japanese man >tea is f------ bomb ass delicious- I thought I just didn't like tea before that >sadness becomes warm feeling of gratitude and joy >doomer to bloomer just like that Is this why y'all love weeb s---? That was one of the nicer evenings in my life.

(Source: Reddit)

Family Dinner

: Anonymous 04/27/21(Tue)06:03:59 No.853083540 Here's a wholesome story for you bots >at dinner with my family at some sports bar >mom and dad both had a bad day and decided to destress, whatever, free food for me 353 KB PNG >throughout the whole dinner they're both kinda glum >my little brother suddenly looks like he had an idea and whispers in my ear "watch this" >he asks mom and dad to look each other in the eye as long as they can >think to myself w-- is he doing, a staring contest? >after about 15 seconds of eye contact they both start smiling and eventually they break into laughter at that. >mfw my lil bro is the best at making people happy Thanks lil bro

(Source: Reddit)

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