Two wholesome memes from the following collection

15 Wholesome Memes For A Dose Of Your Daily Chill Pill

It's a pretty rough world out there, huh? Between work or school and trying to better yourself every day (hopefully), there's a lot of heartbreak and struggle that is going to leave you stressed out. When times are challenging like this, remember memes, especially wholesome memes exist, which are surely going to brighten up your day and leave a wide smile on your face.

Tough week? Bad news all over the internet? Well, that makes sense, because the internet can be a pretty dark place at times. That's exactly why we handpicked these top 15 wholesome memes from last month, which are definitely going to drizzle a bit of sweetness on your stressful week. And there's an obvious reason why wholesome memes are getting popular day by day, because who doesn't love a bit of light-hearted and uplifting humor in their lives?

Look at his smile

I got my pup a matching chair so he would stop stealing mine. Needless to say, he's very pleased

(Source: Reddit)

The ear to ear smile says it all.

Her dad's response

starfish laura @sugarqueer do you think my dad likes my new tattoo? Paul Wow! I didn't know you felt so strongly about electrical transmission infrastructure 09:13 yeah i think it's cool Paul The top set of lines are 22kV in a Delta configuration, three wire. Under that is 415V in Star, 4 wire. The streetlamp looks like a Sodium or Mercury Vapour of about 400w. The whole lot looks Australian and has a standard cross arm design Paul There may even be telecommunications cabling!

(Source: Reddit)

Doofenshmirtz being a good dad

Doofenshmirtz's Vanessa's birthday. birthdays.

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome helper

j-wuapo @Paiiiin_ En respuesta a @Paiiiin hey man let me know if you want me to After 2 years of long distance we finally delete this but i edited a version where got to meet. you're both in the sun Traducir Tweet 12:11 a. m. - 2/24/21 - Twitter for iPhone 8,985 Retweets 3,356 Tweets citados Traducir Tweet

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome mom got BANanas

Rebecca Mills @Rebecca Mills. My son's teacher has banned me from decorating my son's bananas as they were causing too much of a ruckus in class & honestly... knowing my art caused a class of 6yos to riot is probably one of the best compliments I've ever recieved. I wish I took more photos before the ban. Zac Zac

(Source: Reddit)

Dad being a dad

Today 1:10 PM Hey dad, I got the job! Holy cow that's outta this world What Never mind

(Source: Reddit)

Dad jokes never fail to make us smile despite how bad they can be at times.

Yes! Show off Grandpa!

(Source: Reddit)

This art school ain't ready for Grandpa.


Me: I need a medieval mask but it should cover my mouth and nose My Grandma: Say no more D

(Source: Reddit)

Always like God's gift

me noticing it in the morning my plant growing a new tiny leaf

(Source: Reddit)

Escaped death, lived punk

Biquette the goat, sold to an abattoir after she stopped producing milk but was rescued by punks and then spent 10 years watching grindcore bands. She could come and go as she pleased and, in the words of her rescuers, "escaped death, lived punk". Absolute legend.

(Source: Reddit)

That's so adorable

When a seal at Mombetsu Land in Japan was given a stuffed, mini version of itself, it hugged the toy close to its heart- and even gave it a piggyback ride.

(Source: Reddit)

That's the seal's baby now!

Mom's umbrella actually looks cool

Look at that guy's flower umbrella My mother gave me this because I would get wet in the rain.I love my mom forever.

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome dinner selection

How my husband and I decide on dinner sometimes t (L) (·_·•) (•_•) />ok Today 5:42 PM />? Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

It's the friends we make along the way

last night I face timed the wrong # n this ginger picked up. Ended up chatting for 30 min. He was actually chill af. Weau

(Source: Reddit)

Brb buying a teddy bear for myself, Goodnight!

You can't sleep with a teddy bear! It's childish! I don't think it is. Goodnight

(Source: Reddit)

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