Two memes from the following collection.

18 That Paint A Boring Picture Of Dystopia

Reddit's community /r/boringdystopia paints a strange picture of late capitalism, where CEOs and billionaires like Elon Musk are able to send McDonald's sponsored rockets into the atmosphere (or whatever concoction of corporate indulgence you want to spin). The world we live in is pretty messed up, so why not take a look at the most obnoxious examples of a dystopian society that the online community has to offer? Yes, it's depressing, but it also reaffirms our frustrations and helps us feel less alone.

From people who work too hard for too little pay to housing that's genuinely impossible to find, we all know the daily struggles in our society. But /r/boringdystopia is a great reminder that we're not suffering alone, even though it seems like it when the rich people keep getting richer throughout this pandemic even though we keep desperately hoping another stimulus check will go through. Here are 20 images that hold a mirror up to how boring our dystopia really is.

Working Too Hard

Walmart 2d • O Let's clap it up for Agnes who's celebrating her 91st birthday! YY Agnes is an apparel fitting room associate,... See More 15 Proud Walmart* Associate 30 ama GNES

(Source: Reddit)


This drink literally costs me working for half an hour PENG UIN CLASS ICS KARL MARX Capital Volume 1

(Source: Instagram)

Ah, Better

CNN O @CNN With his handmade key chains that go for $5 each, this 8-year-old boy raised $4,015 to erase the lunch debt of students from his school and six others. jo 8-year-old does months of manual labour so his friends, who are children, can afford to eat without going into debt

(Source: Reddit)

A Way With Words

O WMC Action News 5 @WMCActionNews5 Officers kill man with no active warrants at wrong house "no active warrants" is an odd yet intentionally malicious way of saying "innocent man"

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy's On Expert Mode

End Stage Capitalism Be Like: i THENORDLY.COM The Nordly - Jeff Bezos Opens Homeless Shelter for Amazon Employees SHARE

(Source: Reddit)

A Generational Phenomenon

Yay! This Millennial Got Hit by a City Bus and Can Finally Pay Off Her Student Loans: @mememang Tyler Chambers @skinny_que It's really hard watching other people live out your dreams

(Source: Reddit)

Working Class Tales

CNN @CNN CNN A teacher ran out of sick days to stay with his cancer-stricken daughter, so fellow educators chipped in with their sick days - adding up to 100 days Mike Dorsey @DorseyFilm Tales from the working class dystopia repackaged as "feel good" stories are getting old.

(Source: Twitter)

This Pic Says It All

American robots lose jobs to Asian robots as Adidas shifts manufacturing By Reuters November 11, 2019 I 9:13am I U adidas Jnsges for addes Adidas plans to close high-tech "robot" factories in Germany and the United States i| ON: DAS nroduction ackStd.otf

(Source: Reddit)

All About Perspective

Anti-homeless benches marketed/spun as disabled friendly benches.

(Source: Reddit)

I Mean, I'll Take One

In remembrance of those we lost on 9/11 the hotel will provide complimentary coffee and mini muffins from 8:45-9:15am. MARRIOTT

(Source: Reddit)

Facial Recognition

All Employees Must Stop Crying Before Returning to Work

(Source: Reddit)

Start 'Em Young


(Source: Reddit)


nonbinary sunset @ldrinkh20 - 4h the use of "correctly" instead of "accurately" is so fun here Department of Defense @De.. · 05 Mar 18 It's #Oscars90 Sunday and did you know the #DoD works with #Hollywood to ensure the #military is correctly portrayed in films? Find out how these partnerships work: 21 27 2,912 19.6K

(Source: Reddit)

Unknown Tax Entity

Coding Drag Queen Anna Lytical... @theannalytical send me the worst gender selection forms you've seen, l'll start Gender: Female Male N/A Does the Beneficiary reside a Unknown Tax Entity Contact Phono 5:25 PM · 1/13/21 · Twitter Web App

(Source: Reddit)

You're Not You When You're Doomed

SNICKERS O SNICKERS @SNICKERS You're 35 years old, mired in college debt that did nothing for the career you have and hate. You'll never own a house. You can't even consider having children. You're filled with anxiety over climate change, inevitable wars. The world is doomed. Maybe you just need a SNICKERS™

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Better

This real ivy fence covered with picture of more verdant ivy fence in Manhattan

(Source: Reddit)

"Oh Yes We Did"

Dominos is paying their own money to pave over potholes in cities because cities aren't taking responsibility and this is the greatest PR ever and honesty so sad that a pizza chain is doing the governments job OH YES WE DID.

(Source: Reddit)

Soon Every Parent Will Buy Their Kids This And Give Them A Heartfelt Lecture About Its Importance

All Things Interesting @mrstrangefact A full-face prosthetic mask that allows you to evade CCTV and facial recognition.

(Source: Reddit)

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