20 Cursed Comments That Revealed Reddit's Weird Side

Online comments have a tendency to get weird, especially on Reddit. It's easy to have your day ruined by a disturbing comment beneath a wholesome meme or an out-of-place joke about slaughtered younglings. And because this has become such a common thing, they've become known as cursed comments and they're gaining lots more attention than they morally deserve.
Some people really should keep their dark jokes to themselves, but once in a while we're thankful for some of the completely ridiculous things they come up with. We're not sure why anyone would ever say these online, but now that they're out there, we have to appreciate them for their…bravery? Honestly? I'm not sure what to call it, but now that these things have been said, we have to read them and process the strange things they have to say. Here are 20 times Redditors should have thought twice before commenting something that no one else needed to read.
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