20 Hilarious Examples Of 'Orange Cat Behavior'
When it comes to pets, some stereotypes ring true. Orange cats are all pretty similar. They're affectionate, adorable, and incredibly dumb. They do strange things that ultimately don't make a lot of sense to their humans, things that other, normal cats would never think of doing, like staring at an ice cube until it melts or climbing a huge telephone pole for a quiet place to nap. If you've ever had an orange cat, you'll understand how true all the jokes are. It seems as if every orange cat shares a single collective brain cell, and it doesn't appear to be working very well most of the time. They sure are cute, though.
Thanks to growing communities posting about "orange cat behavior," we can take a minute to look at some of the wildest or weirdest things orange cats have been up to lately, as shared by their confused owners. Here are just a few examples of orange cats doing some things we can't quite understand, but appreciate anyway.
Cats Are Liquid
Burnt Orange
The owner also specified that this was at 7:45am, so clearly this day is off to a good start.
Cats (2019)
This is what the production intern had to edit together to clear out the "butthole cut."
Booker, Who Likes to Stare at Ice Cubes
His owner clarified that he doesn't try to touch them or lick them, he just stares and purrs.
After Watching His Owner Throw Cat Litter in the Bin
Pretty smart, actually. Cutting out the middleman.