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20 Of The May's Best Memes From Reddit's 'Memes' Subreddit

There are some memes that stand out from the crowd, captivating the hearts and laughs of millions. These are the most popular Reddit memes from the subreddit /r/memes, the cream of the crop that have dominated the internet and become legendary in their own right. Reddit is where many of the biggest memes first get their start, and after sifting through the best of the best, we've found the post that are most likely to become the biggest hits.

From witty wording to perfectly timed photographs, these memes have captivated audiences all around the world. These top-upvoted memes have the capacity to make us laugh, whether it's with a relatable insight, a smart punchline, or a well-done example of visual humor. Anyway, these memes are exceptional because they all made it through the craziness of sorting by new, and they're now here to brighten your day. Here are some of the most popular memes on the site this month.

How do they function?


(Source: Reddit)

What a time to be alive.

Live at home forever RES Pay thousands in rent and never buy a home Turning 18

(Source: Reddit)


the 4 phases of mars colonization prettycooltim EXON Self Cash SAKI 315 394 4271 WAL Rock EXXON SUNOC TROZ BOLE »» LEXONI 5 E ww GIFTS&SOUVEN McDonald's Restaur F

(Source: Reddit)


Her: why are you so exited it's just a stick? The stick:

(Source: Reddit)

Would dance to them.

C Macarena Pumped Up Kicks Catchy tune with messed up lyrics E

(Source: Reddit)

Doesn't work that way.

Employers Kinda! made with mematic Did you actually expect to get hired just because you finished college? Students who just graduated

(Source: Reddit)

Frustrating, isn't it?

When you applied for the job When you hear back from the recruiter 10-01-01

Screen repair costs 4k.

Everybody's apple vision pro DTM Exactly one day after buying it

(Source: Reddit)

What's their name?

No one : Anime villain groups: C 20 НИР

(Source: Reddit)

Pirateeeee!!! Netflix is meant for you and the pea who live with you You can easily watch Netflix on any of your devices - wherever yo We'll help you confirm that this TV is part of your Netflix househ So long, partner. 1443

(Source: Reddit)

HBO multiverse.

HBO changing the name of their platform every 6 months HBO GO HBO max HBO NOW max

(Source: Reddit)


A woman with $20 of groceries before going home to her $15,000 house in 1980 Kellogg TOKINITY SUZY SUZY M DRESH WIND Mueller's sea-shells ASSIST Chip Diver W.55SIM Ginger L G FLUID Schwep DE GREET www3w5 Macaroni & Cheese MAK O akin IAN CH GRAPE ZURY

(Source: Reddit)


Game developers Fixing a bug which skips the entire game Speedrunners W 17

(Source: Reddit)


00 Reject modernity 0/5 OF made with mematic Embrace tradition 1014 11 000000000

(Source: Reddit)

It's always sunny in the Spiderverse.

NORS She's only 15 years old! Reddit IRISHA AMBER MICAL PADIZ IRI Spider-Verse. Fandom WHAT?! Twitter

(Source: Reddit)

Hidden truth.

The key to success according to rich people vs according to real life OC W JI Hard work Hard work Money Luck Knowing the right people

(Source: Reddit)

Bad decision.

Indian official drops his phone in reservoir Indian official empties reservoir to search for lost mobile phone

(Source: Reddit)

No one cares.

You know what, I'm just gonna say it I don't care who Taylor Swift is dating

(Source: Reddit)

We all did it.

ILL. P. Middle school me doodling while bored شد

(Source: Reddit)

For the better, right?

Me: *releases a video titled "Return of the Jedi but every time they say 'Ewok' the movie gets faster" Youtube: 1118

(Source: Reddit)

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