
20 Times Kids Had Their Dumbest Mistakes Immortalized Forever Online

Two images of kids acting stupid from the following collection.
Two images of kids acting stupid from the following collection.

Published April 07, 2021

Published April 07, 2021

Not all of us were intelligent kids, but thankfully, most of us grew into semi-functioning "adults." We may be taller and a little more depressed than we used to be, but we're thankful that our old age has taught us not to be complete morons. Apparently, this is something the younger generation struggles with. Like, a lot. If you've ever been around a child and heard the sorts of questions they ask in casual conversation, you know exactly what I mean. And if you're still unclear on how dumb kids can be, this collection is for you, because you'll see some things that work as the perfect reminder to keep track of your birth control.

Just like us, these kids will surely look back and cringe on their mistakes someday, but now the whole world knows about their misunderstanding of what exactly a chicken is. Here are 20 times children did something so stupid that they went viral on Reddit, Twitter and more.


He'll Never Live This Down

Not Her Problem

Your Marriage Is A Joke


What Kind Of Car Does He Drive?

Don't Talk to Me

Epic Prank

Childhood Nostalgia


Everyone's Mother

The Family Picture


Thanks, Mom

Rejected from Preschool

Forgot to Cry

She Dressed Herself, Creating Perfect Irony

The Favorite Animal Debate

The Emos Are Coming

Misspelling You're

Tags: kids, kids falling down, kids being stupid, funny, reddit, twitter, tumblr, collections, kids are stupid, memes,