25 Incredibly Disturbing Stock Photos

As is usual with the internet, things that are downright bizarre and confusing are usually what rise in popularity. It's almost as if as time goes on, the internet continues to be weirder and weirder. We live in strange times, a few months back we had debates over the validity of aliens, and every day we get a news headline that is crazier than the last. You'll find plenty of things to ponder whenever you browse the web.
In comes Reddit /r/wtfstockphotos, a subreddit dedicated to the most questionable stock photos you can think of. Many of these images seemingly serve no meaningful purpose, and sometimes it outright seems like they were pulled right out of an AI image generator. All in all, every image in this collection is more cursed than the last, so as you feast your eyes upon each picture, ask yourself this critical question: "What were they thinking?"