
Amidst Talk Of Racist Statue Removal, Twitter Names Some Real Statues That Actually Enhance Their Surroundings

Collection of statues that enhance their surroundings
Collection of statues that enhance their surroundings

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

It's a rough time to be a statue right now, particularly if you are a statue of a Confederate soldier or Christopher Columbus. As countries around the world tackle their racist histories as a result of the George Floyd Protests, several statues of people with historical significance and vicious legacies have been either defaced or destroyed by protestors or outright removed by their cities.

The great statue debate led to a humorous meme wherein people suggested funnier (and let's face it: better) alternatives for problematic statues earlier this week, but a recent thread from Twitter user @James_Barr has Twitter celebrating the real statues that already exist and enhance their surroundings.

The thread turned into a reminder of what's worth keeping in the great statue purge, as well as a chance to look at some of the great statue artistry the world over.

Of course, there were more humorous nominations.

Tags: collection, remove racist statues, replace racist statues, statues,

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