The holiday season is in full swing, and Christmas is just around the corner. It's a time of connection, of charity, of giving, and hidden somewhere in the mix, of worship. The holiday has so many cultural, secular traditions it's easy to forget that it's the birth of Jesus, the holiest day of the Christian year. However you worship, or don't, we hope you'll enjoy these 21 dank Christian memes from the Old Testament to this year's COVID-blighted holiday.
Christmas Is Still A Religious Celebration
(Source: Reddit)
The Holiday Season Hits Different
(Source: Reddit)
It's Important To Separate The Religious From The Secular
(Source: Reddit)
It's Jesus' Birthday But Everyone Celebrates …
(Source: Reddit)
… It's Also St. Nicholas' Day
(Source: Reddit)
Though Some Things Are Against The Rules
(Source: Reddit)
Faith Can Change At Any Time …
(Source: Reddit)
… Though The Rules Haven't Always Been The Same
(Source: Reddit)
Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition
(Source: Reddit)
The Traditions Can Mix And Come Together
(Source: Reddit)
It All Goes Back To The Bible
(Source: Reddit)
The Lessons Still Ring True
(Source: Reddit)
God Moves (Your Packages) In Mysterious Ways
(Source: Reddit)
Seasonal Affective Disorder
(Source: Reddit)
People Find Comfort In Christmas Music
(Source: Reddit)
… And Non-Christmas Music Too
(Source: Reddit)
"They Hated Jesus Because He Told Them The Truth"
(Source: Reddit)
h2. Christmas Is A Time To Remember Sacrifice
(Source: Reddit)
Deep Fried, Delicious Sacrifice
(Source: Reddit)
Now, Go In Peace
(Source: Reddit)
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