
Reflect On The Great Societies Of Old With These 20 Ancient Civilization Memes From Modern Day

Two meme examples about ancient civilizations from the collection.
Two meme examples about ancient civilizations from the collection.

Published January 22, 2021

Published January 22, 2021

The world is shifting quickly, and it can be easy to fear that everything you know will come to an end. Looking back to history though, civilizations have begun and ended many times: The Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt didn't stop their collapse, and the influence of Ancient Greece and Rome didn't help them survive decay and invasion. History always goes on, and the memories always survive. The legacy of these fallen civilizations makes great material for memes, since they're recognizable but still from a different world.

The Old Civilizations Ended In A Flash

(Source: Facebook)

How Can This Happen? How Could This Happen?

(Source: Facebook)

A New Age Dawns

(Source: Facebook)

Just Vibing In Ancient Greece

(Source: Facebook)

We Who Are About To Die Will Bend It Like Beckham

(Source: Facebook)

May We Pwease Dine In Heww?

(Source: Facebook)

Pay Tribute To The Living God-King

(Source: Facebook)

Impossible To Resist The Siren Song

(Source: Facebook)

The Roman Empire Started Small

(Source: Facebook)

The Perfect Invaders

(Source: Facebook)

Progress, Change And Replacement Is Inevitable

(Source: Facebook)

Make Sure The Count Is Correct

(Source: Facebook)

They've Been Dead For Centuries

(Source: Facebook)

Too Hot? Too Cold?

(Source: Facebook)

You Needed Something To Watch At Night

(Source: Facebook)

The Founder Of Modern Thought …

(Source: Facebook)

… And The Modern Thought He Founded

(Source: Facebook)

It Took Ages To Get Anywhere Back Then

(Source: Facebook)

Excuse Me For Being Born, I Guess

(Source: Facebook)

Can't Kill A Language That's Already Dead

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: ancient, classical, civilizations, rome, greece, egypt, iron age, classical studies memes for hellenistic teens, myths, odyssey, iliad, homer, collections, ancient civilization, history, history memes, memes,

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