2 memes about Dungeons and Dragons.

Score A Critical Hit With These 20 'Dungeons & Dragons' Memes

As the summer begins and people begin to socialize again, it can be hard to find a situation that feels safe and normal. What kinds of interactions feel right, and should you trust that feeling? Luckily, there's a form of socialization that has been around for decades, and follows carefully designed sets of rules and numbers: roleplaying games! Dungeons & Dragons, the granddaddy of them all, has become especially popular in lockdown, since it's so easy to play with friends from all over the world via video chat.

D&D is considered one of the most wholesome and nerdy ways to pass the time, and we fully support that, especially when we need a great community so desperately lately. So why not give in to your geek side and turn to some DnD content that fills you with that warm, fuzzy feeling of playing a long game with friends? The wisdom of the D20 and the DM can be applicable in all parts of life, as you can see from these memes.

Show Up On Time

The player who showed up early The DM

(Source: Reddit)

Assemble Your Crew

When you can't find a group to play D&D with, but your partner has recently suggested wanting kids: IfI can't find a D&D group, l'l make one instead.

(Source: Reddit)

Play As Strange, Unearthly Creatures

The DM and a PC arguing over whether a human character can be 6'5" because "humans aren't that tall." Me, 6'5" sitting across the table from them:

(Source: Reddit)

Fight Stranger Ones
DM: You've acquired the beast's attention what's you next move? Bard: He's so cute, l'll wave at him! DM: ... Yeah alright.

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe Don't Joke About It

Bard: "Hey tabaxi, I have a ball of yarn here. you want it?" Tabaxi: You just insulted my entire race of people. But yes. made with mematie

(Source: Reddit)

In Dubious Battle

43 86 the Ranger knowing that acid will stop the healing the Wizard knowing that fire is useful against it SINOLE 86 43 DINOCO 8630 me the Barbarian knowing that the Troll is powerless without its head 43 htB

(Source: Reddit)

Vast Riches Await

The Party giving someone 1 Gold as a tip Your average D&D peasant who barely sees 1 Gold a year imgfip.com

(Source: Reddit)

It's All Up To The Dice If You Succeed …

My BBEG who just made a daring escape by jumping off a balcony "Thank God none of those idiots can fly" My player, who jumped off to stop him, knowing that this will 100% kill him

(Source: Reddit)

Fall With Style

When the Rules Lawyer reminds the DM of a rule, even though it kills their character: Strength and honor.

(Source: Reddit)

Honor The Fallen

My current character My dead character Saying "wow you guys talk about your old friend a lot, he must've been a great guy"

(Source: Reddit)

Make New Friends

When PC dies and the your DM doesn't know how to introduce your new one

(Source: Reddit)

Strike Up A Chat

I'm learning Elvish so I can trade recipes with my babushka. RosettaStone I'm learning Dwarvish so I can communicate better with my coworkers. RosettaStone I'm learning Infernal ...so I can go to The Nine Hells for... ...a thing. RosettaStone

(Source: Reddit)

The Choice Is Yours

a AV NGCR "Would you make a suboptimal decision?" "For roleplay?" "Without question!" imgflip.com

(Source: Reddit)

The DM's Word Is Law …

When the DM is muted

(Source: Reddit)

… Except For When It Isn't

DM: yeah, it's a one shot. The module says it shouldn't take longer than 4 hours. The one shot: It's been 84 years... made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Cute but Evil

When your backstory is dark but your character is cute 11.48 CHENDOLLINE RAGNAROTH, DEVOURER OF SOULS -2415

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Put All Your Points In One Stat

I don't need high dex. I have plate armor Fireballs 20 ĀC Paladin Stealth Fireballs Ghecks @madebytio made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Not All Numbers Matter


(Source: Reddit)

All The Powers Combined

If you cast Speak with Plants & Speak with Dead, you should be able to talk to furniture He's out of line, but he's right.

(Source: Reddit)

You Had The Power All Along

The succubus trying to charm the party: Warforged Straight female Gay male Asexual Monk bard paladin made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

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