Two meme checkpoint memes in the following collection

20 Of Our Fans' Best Memes That Won Our Weekly Challenge

It's time again for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "meme checkpoint" challenge! In case you're unaware of this challenge, it's a social game we do quite often on Facebook with fans like you. So, hopefully you're a fan, but if not, you should become one so you can participate next time around and see your memes become a part of one of these articles. That way, we can keep in touch with what you guys are laughing at every week.

The challenge is relatively simple, and considering the great taste you guys put forward every time, we're happy to see what you guys come up with and give to us nonetheless. In essence, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phones. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.

Not Tenta-Cool

Tentacruel seems interested in your mom.

(Source: Facebook)

What The Dog Doing?


(Source: Facebook)

I Love Rotating!

Earth: *makes a full rotation around the sun* Humans:

(Source: Facebook)

If Time Does Not Fly, Force It

Whew Look how late it ie We should probably call it a night Its pm How time fles! 2020 2020 2020 Please get the f--- out of my house. since it's pm and all (2020 2020 2020 The Oatmeal

(Source: Facebook)

This Does Not Bode Well

Does anyone else find it troubling that literally the name of next year is pronounced "2020 won?"

(Source: Facebook)

Life Does Not Smile At Me

la vida no me sonrie

(Source: Facebook)

Yeah, Yeah, We Get It

mom: why'd you take a picture of that? me: dont worry mom, the internet will get it $20 M

(Source: Facebook)

I'm Not Sharing

Robber: Breaks into my house assuming l'm asleep* *Me eating at 3am:

(Source: Facebook)

There Is No Escape

When someone who owes you money goes on vacation

(Source: Facebook)

True Pain

The emotional reaction of a cat after seeing its owner for the first time in 6 months

(Source: Facebook)

Flight Is Overrated Anyways

Birds You are on this council but we do not grant you flying Penguins This is outragenus it's unfair

(Source: Facebook)

They Only Increase In Value, Babe!

My hands look like this, like this so hers can look HNCIAL BRANCH PETITIONN FOR DIVORCE Name tkrth oe Addres Lodres if ciffurent) Nmber (Home) mait Addiess nt Name th Adtres

(Source: Facebook)

Just A Gentle Smack

Anesthesia was invented in 1846 Doctors in 1845

(Source: Facebook)

I'll Never Be Good Again

My last two brain cells trying to finish an essay for school u good? no

(Source: Facebook)

Roach Got Drip

When that stimulus check hits @Hoodville

(Source: Facebook)

He's Too OP


(Source: Facebook)

Gee, I Sure Do Hope My Car Doesn't Get Beaten To A Pulp By Some Sort Of Street Fighter


(Source: Facebook)


sweet dreams you too o0o

(Source: Facebook)

He's Doing A Business

(Source: Facebook)

A Little Of Both TBH

Can't sleep Coz using phone Using phone Coz can't sleep

(Source: Facebook)

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