The 'Hydro Homies' Send These 15 Memes, Straight From The Tap

Hydro homies, named for their absolute love of DiHydrogen Monoxide, are the people who only consume water when it comes to their choice of beverage. Hydro homies stick to their core belief that ice-cold water is the best possible drink choice there is, pulling away from the temptation of Soda and wanting to stay hydrated.
As far as niche online subcultures go, they're probably the most wholesome out there, because they've developed a whole community devoted solely to drinking water. Hydro homies enjoy not having dry lips, sunken eyes and a nice healthy glow about them when they finish working out and chug a big jug of ice-cold water. If you're one of those types of people, then we have the best assortment of pro-water memes, guaranteed to make you want to join the #HydratedGang.
Couldn't Be Me
If you or a loved one have any of these symptoms, they should try to drink as much water as possible.
At Least I'm Hydrated
We all gotta suffer in this unforgiving world, but at least you can suffer in hydration.
Me Every Night
It should be everyone's goal to get WASTED this way, as any other type of WASTED doesn't count.
Lazy Homies Be Like
Just put the water in the fridge or get a really good filter for your fridge, it's easy.
Man's Best Friend
Dogs really do get us, as they love to schlop schlop water day and night without wanting any additives or sugar.
You Don't Need Coke
Who needs that overly sugary poison when you can just drink some nice and crisp water?