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What Caused The Riverboat Brawl In Montgomery, Alabama? Folding Chair Fight Memes And The Viral Video Explained

Two Riverboat Brawl memes in the following collection.
Two Riverboat Brawl memes in the following collection.

Published August 08, 2023

Published August 08, 2023

Videos of an all-out brawl breaking out on a boat dock have taken over the internet in the past few days, with people making memes and jokes about the tactics they would use if they had a chance to get involved. The viral videos show two groups of people fighting against each other using fists and folding chairs as weapons, with a group of white men jumping on a single Black man before being outnumbered and pummelled themselves.

But how did this fight start, and why did so many people cheer on the brawlers? Here's a recap of how things shook down at the Montgomery, Alabama Riverboat Fight.

What Was The Original Montgomery Riverboat Fight Viral Video?

A Twitter user shared a video on August 5th, 2023, that showed a group of white men attacking a lone Black security guard working at the dock, while the people videotaping the incident can be heard shouting in dismay. As the video goes on, another man can be seen coming to the defense of the security guard, and yet another man can be seen swimming across the water in order to come to the victim's aid.

The video then cuts to a scene showing a group of men walking up to the original attackers' boat, and intimidating them for attacking a man just trying to do his job. A fight soon breaks out, and the people recording the incident can be heard howling for justice being served.

What Caused The Montgomery Riverboat Fight?

The stark racial lines drawn between the group of white assailants and the group of Black men coming to the defense of a victim drew the attention of internet users across America. As the day passed, more evidence showing that the Black brawlers acted for good was unearthed. One Twitter user shared what appears to be the cause of the fight.

The security guard working at the dock reportedly asked the group of white men to move their boat in order to allow a ferry to dock but was met with unnecessary violence instead. The fight led to at least four arrests after it was broken up by police, but many of the fighters seemed to be taken in willingly, having achieved their task.

What Are Some Memes About The Fight and What Does the 'Folding Chair Meme' Mean?

Memes about the fight at the dock in Montgomery, Alabama focus on how the Black men coming to the defense of the security guard seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Another popular topic of discussion is the use of white folding chairs in the fight, with many fans of the video posting their own photos and tutorials on how to wield a chair if one encounters a similar situation.

Jokes about folding chairs being a vehicle for justice became doubly hilarious once people realized that the folding chair was invented by a Black American man named Nathaniel Alexander.

Overall, the viral moment served as a means for Alabama natives, Black Americans, and their allies across the country to come together and relish some instant karmic justice.

For the full history of the Montgomery Riverboat Fight, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: riverboat brawl, riverside dock fight alabama, folding chair fight memes, black aquaman, montgomery, montgomery fight, what does the folding chair meme mean,

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