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What Does 'Bussin' Mean? The Slang Term Explained

What Does 'Bussin' Mean? The Slang Term Explained
What Does 'Bussin' Mean? The Slang Term Explained

Published June 07, 2022

Published June 07, 2022

Have you ever eaten food that tastes so good you're left speechless, without a single word to describe the ecstasy you just experienced? It's a more common issue than you might realize, which is why a few years ago, the internet came up with a word to fill that gap: Bussin'.

Since then, bussin' has expanded beyond the realm of food as a way to describe just about anything that's deemed incredible. Here's the full scoop of what this Zoomer slang term means and how to use it correctly.

Where Does "Bussin" Come From?

It's unclear where "bussin" first came from. It was defined on Urban Dictionary in December 2017 as "what you would say if something was really good." In 2020, the word took off as part of the Gripping Food With Force trend, where people gripped their food way too hard and posted the images online, often with captions describing the food as "bussin." That November, the term gained further popularity when rappers Doe Boy, Southside and Lil Uzi Vert released a song titled "Bussin."

The term continued increasing in use in 2021 when TikTokers got their hands on it. Notably, TikTokers started using the word to troll TikToker Janelle Roehner, a food blogger that often replaces certain foods with bell peppers. TikTokers would Duet and stitch her videos asking, "Is it bussin?"

How Is Bussin Used In Memes?

In its simplest form, "bussin" is used in memes to describe delicious food, oftentimes as a caption alongside images of the dish or item. In more ironic memes, it's used for the lulz alongside images of people gripping food.

Since taking off as a way to describe food, "bussin" is more broadly used to describe anything that the poster deems excellent. You can use bussin to describe a hot fashion choice, a cool car, a catchy song or even your friend's adorable cat. If something is remarkable and you can't think of a word strong enough to encapsulate that, try "bussin."

For the full history of "Bussin," be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

Tags: what is bussin, bussing, bussin slang, food, delicious, gripping foods with force, gripping food with force, bussin meaning, bussin, internet slang, zoomers, gen z,

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