An image of pilk.

What Is 'Pilk' And Is It The Most Disgusting Drink On Earth?

We've all felt the temptation to mix the different soda flavors together at our local McDonald's before. It may even seem like a good idea at first, but in reality, it makes for a disappointing drink that ends up being the equivalent of mixing too many colors together and ending up with brown. Now imagine if milk was one of the options at the soda fountain. For any sane person, that temptation would fly right out the window.

Nobody wants to mix milk with soda, and pilk, a viral mixture of Pepsi and milk, stands as an ultimate testament to that. Here's the history behind the internet's most vile (but maybe delicious?) mixture since pissy shitties.

What Is 'Pilk' And Where Does It Come From?

Believe it or not, the history of mixing milk with Pepsi goes all the way back to the late 70s. During an episode of the sitcom Laverne & Shirley, Laverne takes a sip from a milk bucket, then says "needs more Pepsi," offering the first known mention of mixing the two in media history. She may not use the name "pilk," but the idea is the same.

The earliest known post online about pilk is a recipe for the drink posted by Popsugar in 2014. The writer describes how she was introduced to the drink in college and that it tastes like "a Pepsi float." She also suggests mixing ice cream with the drink, which does make it sound a bit more appetizing. The name "pilk," a portmanteau of milk and Pepsi, wasn't used until 2020, when a Twitter user posted an image of a glass of pilk, writing, "y'all want a glass of pilk." The post went viral, bringing pilk into the mainstream for the first time in decades.

andrew @scubadivingzoo y'all want a glass of pilk BES pepsi 12:32 AM · 28 Jul 20 · Twitter for iPhone > 0:..: ......

How Is Pilk Used In Memes?

Since pilk started going viral online, people have mainly made memes assuming it's gross. These include reaction image macros, such as one where Gordon Ramsay looks at pilk in disgust, to simple deep fryings of the original to make the drink look really grimey. Others make memes misinterpreting what pilk is, assuming it could be a mixture of poop and milk or pickles and milk based on the name (which is a real, on-the-market drink, apparently).

The most pilk-curious people out there have actually made the drink and taste-tested it in the pursuit of science and likes, assumedly. The YouTubers Mythical Kitchen made the drink earlier this year, where the taste tester grimaced upon sipping it and said it had a "very specific taste," but proceeded to drink most of the glass. Some people even seem to like it, so if you're feeling extra bold, maybe go get some milk and Pepsi and give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?

Chub Price 189 189 SAVE RN SAVE N JK PILK! Lucerne PILK! Lud ULTRA-FILTERED HOLE MILE ULTRA 50- 13-1030 13. pickfo milh GROWT LEICIAL no, ORHONES HIGH QUALITY MORE a Price 50* 13 49 99 Cub 399 499 Price! SALT PICKLES 57 than regular milk per serving 29 Mar DILL pickle milk 52 EL 07 (1.5L) Buying this should put you On some sort of watchlist.

For the full details on pilk, be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

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