Amish oil change

What Is The Meaning Of An 'Amish Oil Change'? The Slang Term Popularized On TikTok Explained

The Amish seem to rising to the challenge of the weirdest sexual habits issued by Mormons over the past few years. While jokes about BYU students "soaking," "jumping" and so on have been the source of much amusement on TikTok, formerly Amish people have also come forward to share their community's gross innuendos.

Logan Hetzner @LOGANHETZNER I learned what an amish oil change is today. Lol 5:03 PM Jun 23, 2011 .

If you've been hearing people snicker and joke about an Amish oil change but have no idea what it means, here's a brief history of the perverse slang phrase as seen online over the past decade.

But here's a warning; if bodily fluids and bestiality freak you out, maybe today isn't the day you want to learn more about the freaky practices of the American fringe.

What Does 'Amish Oil Change' Mean, And Where Did It Originate?

An Amish oil change is a joke about the Amish and their sexual practices, with the earliest known description of the act on the internet tracing back to the year 2011. Urban Dictionary lists it as the act of fellating a horse and spitting out its semen, a gross visual absolutely no one asked for.

Amish oil change Amish oil change: when a woman performs Fellatio on a horse and spits the c-- out. that bitch gave the horse an Amish oil change, nearly choked before she could spit its baby batter out. by sgtinf December 26, 2011 569 y f 132 FLAG

In fact, the phrase likely originated from a joke shared either amongst the Amish or about the Amish, given the community's aversion to modern technology and the implied joke that an Amish oil change doesn't involve a car but a horse.

How Did The Idea Of An 'Amish Oil Change' Gain Traction Online?

There wasn't much actively on the Amish oil change front online for subsequent years, minus a throwaway 2012 Reddit post where someone says that they were shown a video depicting the act when they were in high school.

3 Reddit, what's the weirdest p--- you've ever come across? (self.AskReddit) submitted 11 years ago by throwaway4087895 6 comments source share save hide report crosspost hide all child comments sorted by: top navigate by you are viewing a single comment's thread. view the rest of the comments SUBSCRIBE [-] punkpixzsticks 1 point 11 years ago Didn't intentionally come across it, a girl in my class in high school was like....look at this and shoved her phone into my line of sight with it playing In our area it is called, Amish Oil Change. permalink source embed save save-RES report

Then there was a near 10-year drought in discourse about the practice, with another meme only appearing online all the way in July 2023, in an SVT Performance forum.

Your grandma up in heaven watching you do an Amish oil change for your Onlyfans page

What Do The Amish Think About The 'Oil Change'?

But arguably, present interest in the Amish oil change stems from a semi-viral TikTok posted by an ex-Amish person. His interpretation of the term is a little different from everyone else in this explainer.

He describes a memory from his childhood when his father told him that it was about time he learned how to do an Amish Oil Change at the age of 13. However, his version of an Amish Oil Change involved wearing a glove to "unclog" the horse to help him poop.


My Amish father taught me at age 13 how to do an Amish oil change.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

♬ original sound – Eli Yoder

For the full history of the Amish oil change, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

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