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What Is The 'No Bitches' Meme And What Does It Mean? How Megamind Became The Face Of 'Bitchless Behavior'

No bitches meme explained.
No bitches meme explained.

Published June 10, 2022

Published June 10, 2022

If you've been in comment sections to pretty much any controversial post that people don't agree with in the past few months, chances are you've seen people writing "no bitches?" or posting images with the phrase — particularly those featuring Megamind or even the Elden Ring version No Maidens.

If you wondering about the intricacies of weaponizing bitchless behavior and using it against people who exhibit it, dive into the history of the meme with us below.

What Does "No Bitches" Mean?

An essential meme of early 2022, "No Bitches" is also a popular slang expression used to mock people online by hinting that they lack "bitches" (in the sense of "interacting with the opposite sex") in their life.

While the meme says "bitches" and was originally meant to be used against men, it can really be targeted at any person to imply that they have little romantic and sexual interactions, and therefore should seek them instead of posting cringe online.

Another way to say "no bitches" is "bitchless behavior," which is similar to the Fatherless Behavior meme.

Where Did "No Bitches" Come From?

While the expression definitely existed before that, it wasn't before it was combined with the image of the character Megamind from the animated movie of the same name when the phrase turned into a meme. While the earliest found post of the image macro was made by an iFunny user on December 14th, 2021, it was originally created elsewhere — likely on Discord.

Before "No Bitches," another similar meme was popular online. "Why Don't You Discover Some Bitches" conveys the same message and was used online since July 2020.

How Can You Use "No Bitches?"

"No Bitches," whether a reaction image or just a phrase, can be primarily used to target individuals you don't like online or to show disagreement with their take, independent of whether they actually have romantic and sexual success. That doesn't matter, after all, since the meme serves to imply that the person holding opinions you dislike isn't likely to have any "bitches."

Another way to use the meme, which can extract a limitless number of meanings, is redraws and remakes. Start by picking an appropriate image of a person or a character (or draw one yourself) and caption it with "No X?" phrasal template, replacing "X" with something related to the character. Voila, a very fine-tuned meme for any occasion.

For the full history of "No Bitches," be sure to check out our entry here for even more information.

Tags: no bitches, megamind, guide, internet slang, explainer, no bitches meme, explained, what does no bitches mean?, meaning of no bitches, blue guy no bitches,

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