hestia design controversy explainer

Why Are People Mad At Hestia's Design In 'Hades 2'? The Character And Her Controversy Explained

Stop us if you've heard this before: a new video game is coming out and people are mad at the design of a fictional character.

Yes, the old 'woke' design controversy has come for indie roguelike darling Hades, specifically the design of the character Hestia in the game's upcoming sequel. Here's what you need to know about the backlash to Hestia's design in Hades 2.

HESTIA GODDESS OF FLAME You must have had an excess of those golden coins that Chronos strewed across the land. To tempt the greediest of mortals, I suppose! Or the poorest. Not for me to judge! VO.90279

Who Is Hestia?

Hestia is the Greek Goddess the hearth and the home. As a mythical figure, she does not have a canonical figure, but she has historically been portrayed as A sweet, modestly dressed young woman… often is shown wearing a veil..

Hestia The Greek Goddess Finding

Still, media properties have taken liberties with portrayals of Hestia. Notably, the anime Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon portrays Hestia as a petit anime girl.

Why Is Hestia In Hades 2 Controversial?

On May 6th, Hades 2 players got their first look at the Greek mythology-based game's portrayal of Hestia.

Andy HADES 2 SPOILERS!!!!!! Follow @thefuckistevvs WE GOT HESTIA PORTRAIT!!!! 0540 1:45 PM ⚫ May 6, 2024 684.3K Views th Swt :

In Hades 2, Hestia is a larger black woman with vitiligo, a condition that causes skin cells to lose their pigment. That day, Twitter user @_rarwell posted a "Which way, western man?" tweet that compared a traditional Hestia statue, the anime version of Hestia, and Hades 2 Hestia.

Rawrell @_rawrell Which way, western man? Goddess Hestia according to the Greeks Goddess Hestia according to America Goddess Hestia according to Japan ダンジョンに出会い 間違っている ... • 3:20 PM May 6, 2024 588.8K Views

The tweet went viral, as it seemed to become the site of the latest frontier in the ongoing culture war. Currently, a large subset of gamers are on the alert of anything appearing too "woke," specifically in the wake of the Sweet Baby Inc controversy. That Hestia was portrayed as a Black woman with a specific skin condition was a bridge too far for some gamers, who voiced their outrage over the character's portrayal.

Vee @not_vee I am unironically not buying Hades 2. The people who made Hestia just comited a crime against nature. They are so phenomanaly s--- at their job and by existing in the industry they are taking away the position of someone more talented. Goddess Hestia according to the Greeks Goddess Hestia according to America 9:55 PM - May 6, 2024 453.5K Views Goddess Hestia according to Japan ダンジョン出会い 間違っている」 1086 Hades 2 race-swaps various Greek gods and even gives Vitiligo to one of them. (i.redd.it) submitted 1 day ago by AlphaMaleWarrior69 670 comments share save hide report crosspost hide all child comments HESTIA HERMES How your to as

In essence, the Hades 2 Hestia controversy is the same as multiple other controversies in which a character who is not traditionally portrayed as Black is drawn as Black in a new property. Previous examples have included the HBO Max Velma series, which turned the title character Indian, and a recent animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie which made the character April O'Neil Black.

As in previous cases, the outrage stems from the idea that changing the established race of a character into that of a minority amounts to inserting progressive politics into the game (although in this case, Hestia had no established race). Others have argued that the race of Hestia is not proof of any sort of political agenda, and yet again, the sides don't seem close to agreeing on the issue.

For the full history of "_Hades 2 Hestia backlash":https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/hades-2-hestia-backlash, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information._

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To me,the race switching doesn't bothers me as much as it's always in one direction that this happens.

If there was a game based on the myths of varying African tribes and racial characteristics of said characters were swapped, how would people feel? Offended I'm sure and the backlash would force change/ forever tarnish the reputation of the makers.

Mythical figures ought to be portrayed like those that originally worshiped them envisioned. Greek pantheon with Greeks, Shinto gods with east Asians, African deities with African tribes, etc.


In my honest opinion, both designs are lame. One is another attempt at ticking a few boxes with little regard for the culture and mythology it draws inspiration from; the other is a generic cute anime girl with a completely interchangeable look that does little to nothing to reflect her namesake. Feel free to disagree.


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