
Why Are People Using Attraction As A Litmus Test For Social Class? The 'Which Is More Attractive?' Meme Trend Explained

Social Class Test
Social Class Test

Published July 1st, 2023

Published July 01, 2023

When someone uses the term "litmus test," they mean a good way to determine if something is good or bad. A meme that was popular earlier in the year talked about things that were a good litmus test for politics. But this newly emerged trend now contends something many claim is impossible, that choosing which picture you think is most attractive is able to tell someone your social class. This is how the Litmus Test For Social Class / Which Is More Attractive trend is supposed to work.

How Did The 'Litmus Test For Social Class' Start?

On June 24th, 2023, the Twitter user @Lameypilled started the trend by tweeting out a picture of Livvy Dunne next to a picture of Breckie Hill, who is known for being Livvy's rival online. As part of their tweet, they claimed that they found a good litmus test for detecting social class, and put up a poll asking their mutuals which one they thought was more attractive.

After receiving enough answers, they linked to a study that claimed that men who make more money and are higher in social class prefer women who do not have as much cleavage, meaning that those who voted for Breckie Hill were considered lower class than those who voted for Livvy Dunne.

Obviously, this was not taken very seriously, and created a lot of arguments, which helped increase the visibility of the original tweet.

What Does It Mean?

It doesn't really mean anything, as personal attraction varies greatly between people, as the many different variations of the meme that came after the original are quick to show. The prospect of finding one of two similar options more attractive and imposing an arbitrary belief system on people depending on their choice was too great to resist, and soon many different variants quickly sprang up showing all different types of characters and jokes.

How Do You Use A 'Litmus Test For Social Class?'

The best way to make a meme using the format is to simply think of two things that are similar yet slightly different. The rough idea is that the core concept should be the same, with one or two glaring differences between them. That way, the person choosing is choosing based on those differences more than the similarities.

After that is figured out, it's as simple as slapping the text on top of the two pictures and posting it wherever you can!

For the full details on the litmus test for social class meme, be sure to check out its entry in Know Your Meme's encyclopedia for even more information.

Tags: litmus test, social class, attraction, litmus test for social class, livvy dunne, breckie hill,