KYM Review: Slang of 2016 - Related Memes - Deadass slang black twitter wafflezlolqt Deadass Manterrupting slang feminism man interrupting woman the shield donald trump hillary clinton 2016 united states presidential elections debate time magazine Manterrupting Bigly big league donald trump accent pronunciation pronounce mispronunciation Bigly Dumpster Fire politics pejorative slang dumpster fire meme memes meaning Dumpster Fire Daddy slang endearment sexual fandom celebrity worship Daddy Donald Trump's "Sad" Tweets donald trump twitter Donald Trump's "Sad" Tweets Doggo slang ironic dog doge facebook reddit pupper Doggo Fam slang family Fam Zucked mark zuckerberg facebook bentheguyfromcambridge Zucked Thicc thick fat ass slang pyrocynical /v/ curvature dat ass Thicc Becky slang race white people Becky Yuge slang donald trump bernie sanders brooklyn accent y u yooge pronunciation huge 2016 us presidential election speech urban dictionary Yuge So Done mary poppins illustration image macro exploitable reaction image i am so done i'm so done so done nope presentj asdasdddede yourreactiongifs gimmetacotree fuckyeahreactions officialpika theelka tinygeeh So Done Berniebro slang politics 2016 democratic presidential primary hillary clinton bernie sanders bro pejorative sexism feminsm identity politics 2016 us presidential election Berniebro Woke black lives matter awake ferguson wake up sheeple irony erykah badu slang internet slang urban dictionary darius kazemi courtney stanton mtv william melvin kelley the new york times new york times barry beckham Woke Another One catchphrase rapper producer dj khaled djkhaledvevo big sean @randysavageaf quotesmeme jordan tugrul miss dimplez mark shark toyladill Another One 1 2 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,785 Memes 32,300 People 2,618 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,945