meme review
KYM Review: Video Memes of 2017

Editor’s Note: This article is part of Know Your Meme’s annual review series looking back at some of the most memorable and popular memes, events and people that defined internet culture in 2017 as we know it.
hen it comes to viral videos in the world of memes, most specimens tend to fall under two major genres: audio-visual remix (modification) and parody (imitation). 2017 was the year that favored the remixes. With more viral videos finding their ways into the scene as fodder for image macros or GIFs, remix videos on YouTube seem to have filled the vacuum left by Vine after its closure in January. That’s not to say there were any shortage of viral videos that spawned parodies and spoofs in 2017, but the really popular video memes, the ones that saw version after version, tended to be overdubs, edits and remixes. Still, our editorial pick for the best video meme of the year, Kids Interrupt BBC Interview, is a testament that brings us back to the fundamental appeal of viral videos, just a moment of everyday life interrupted--no remix necessary. And now, here’s a look back at the 10 best video memes of 2017 in chronological order.
Hey Hey Hey, This Is Library
There are few rules in the world as strict as those of the library. To that there are only a few: return books on time, don't use the computers for porn and, most importantly, please be quiet. That's all this student, attempting to study in the middle of a protest, was trying to say. Protesters chanting through their megaphone were no match for this University of Washington student's plea, "Hey hey hey, this is library." Now, with an army of video remixes behind him, we're all just going to have to deal with it.
Now Do Classical Gas
If nothing else, 2017 was the year that Simpsons Shitposting breathed new life into the aging, animated franchise. Through a blend of re-contextualized jokes and outright stupidity, the collection of weird remixes based on the cartoon is basically unparalleled. Few exemplify this more than "Now Do Classical Gas," a throwaway moment that turned into one of the years most popular remix videos. As Lenny snaps his fingers and Lisa plucks her guitar, the moment found its way into different moments of Simpsons lore, not to mention our hearts. Simpsons Shitposters have a knack for finding moments yet un-mined and discovering a diamond. "Classical Gas" was just that.
Kids Interrupt BBC Interview
Let's go back to March 2017, which already feels like a decade ago. The United States reeled from the uncertainty brought by a daily deluge of scandal, confusion and hostility from the reality-TV show host-turned-president. The internet, still getting over the inferno of 2016, took its good news where it found it. Then one little girl with glasses came strutting in the room. While conducting an interview with the BBC, political scientist Robert E. Kelly appeared unaware that his bespectacled daughter strolled into the room thinking her dad was Skyping with grandma. Not to be out done, her infant brother rolled in, followed by his wife, rushing to grab them. The family got their 15 minutes of fame, and the world finally found something we all could agree on.
I Didn’t Know There Was This Much Green in the Whole Galaxy
Much like a blank, white sign, green screen is a gift to the internet. It’s a call to arms that says, “Put dumb stuff on me.” And there are few places with more green screen than a Star Wars film. Pulled from a scene from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, ‘I Didn’t Know There Was This Much Green in the Whole Galaxy” might be a little too perfect of a green screen example. Ray looking at on a sky of green, which in the film houses a lush, green CGI field, says the line, “I didn’t know…” before the video cuts to her cockpit window displaying the green screen. Other YouTuber followed suit, replacing the green screen with the usual suspects, like iDubbbz, Shrek and the freaky stegosaurus from Yee. “I Didn’t Know” is an endless adaptable and exploitable video meme that seems to play well with whatever video Ray happens to be looking at.
You'll Never See It Coming
Part remix, part ear worm, "You'll Never See It Coming" is the type of meme that stays with you months after first seeing it. Whether your familiar with Persona 5 or simply just appreciate a meme with a strong horn section, a fat beat and a surprise ending, "You'll Never See It Coming" highlights the punchline with the perfect song. Like many of memes based on fandoms, the remixes can pile on fast, but that hasn't stopped creators from uploading remix after remix to the tune of Lyn's "Last Surprise." On the internet, "wait for it" is the de facto catchphrase, and "You'll Never See It Coming" can provide the perfect soundtrack.
Boneless Pizza
While everyone was arguing about whether or not to put Pineapple on their pizza, one YouTuber knew exactly the kind of pizza he wanted: Boneless. “Boneless Pizza,” a mock prank call made by a memer wearing an Aku Aku mask from Crash Bandicoot helped define deep-fried memes for the year. Racking up more than 7.6 million views, a slew of homages and even a definition in Urban Dictionary, “Boneless Pizza” is this year's most important pizza memes. And thanks to its iconic visuals and sound design, which belongs at the bottom of a bucket of KFC, it's also one of the best video memes of 2017.
Protegent Antivirus
Cybersecurity is a big deal. Protect and encrypt your data or risk a system crash. That’s all the masked superhero Proto wants for you. Or so it would seem. Unistal Systems probably didn’t realize that their animated avenger would be come the subject of intense internet scrutiny upon the release of the ad campaign for “Protegent Agent” virus, but any company that writes a rap as lazy as this should be dragged through the coals. “Protegent Antivirus” has an edge on other video memes for simply the wealth of material to pull from in the video. From the the choppy animation to the immortal line “Oops my system crashed,” “Protegent Antivrus” snuck up in popularity by a committed fanbase and seemingly endless appeal. Unfortunately, it probably failed to get users to protect their systems.
Crash Bandicoot “Woah”
While Sonic the Hedgehog might be the king of DeviantArt, Crash Bandicoot took a swing for YouTube this summer with one word: “Woah.” The beloved, but oft-forgotten former mascot of Playstation rocketed to the top of the meme charts (if such a thing existed) over the summer, thanks to a bunch of videos remix videos and a line of image macros referencing the bizarre pronunciation of Kevin Michael Richardson, the voice of Crash. Still, as Mario and, of course, Cappy, seemed to rest of the year, we can all remember the dozens, nay hundreds of videos of a poorly animated Crash saying “woah.”
Big Ben’s Final Chimes
There’s nothing more quintessentially British than Big Ben. Tall, stoic and proud Britain’s most famous clock rang for the last time the summer, taking a four year break as the landmark undergoes some renovations. The internet wasn’t going to let the the clock go quietly into the night, overdubbing Ben’s final rings with different chimes, such as Jake Paul’s “It’s Everyday Bro” and, of course, “All Star.” Much like “I Didn’t Know There Was This Much Green,” it was easy for anyone to get in the game, even the President.
Pennywise Dancing
Pennywise may have spent the last weeks of summer scaring the crap out of movie-going audiences, but online he’s mostly remembered for his relationship with the Babadook and dancing like a weirdo. The best video memes are the ones that are easy to exploit so anyone can join in, and “Pennywise Dancing” seemed to get everyone to float. Shot on a camera from inside the movie theater, “Pennywise Dancing” features the demonic clown kicking legs from side to side to the tune of the “Hamster Dance” and “All Star,” which really takes the sting out of the whole scary clown thing.
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