meme review
Vote Now: Your Favorite Meme of 2014

Dear Know Your Meme Readers,
It is that time again to vote for the single most awesome meme of the year. But departing from our usual tradition of presenting a list of pre-selected choices, for this year's poll, you can simply log in and cast a vote on the entry of your choice (that was submitted this year). The voting begins now and will stay open until noon (EST) on December 23rd, 2014. UPDATE: This poll is now closed, thanks everyone for participating!
The Meme of 2014: Vivian James
Vivian James (114 / 803 votes) is a fictional character conceived through a collaboration between 4chan's /v/ (video games) board and the indie game developer group The Fine Young Capitalists (TFYC). The character can be viewed as an anthropomorphized avatar of the /v/ board community created in response to Zoe Quinn's purported attack on TFYC while they were trying to fund a Game Jam to assist women's projects in gaming development.

And The Runner Ups…
#2. Luigi's Death Stare
Luigi’s Death Stare (73 / 803 votes) refers the odd facial expressions worn by the character of Luigi during gameplay in the eighth installment of Nintendo’s Mario Kart franchise. Upon the release of the game in late May 2014, the character’s creepy gaze quickly became the butt of many jokes and parodies among the fans of Mario Kart.

#3. Yee
"Yee" (71 / 803 votes) is an onomatopoeia taken from a video featuring an animated dinosaur singing a small jingle, only to be interrupted at the end by another dinosaur shouting “Yee.” Photoshopped images of the dinosaur began circulating in August 2014 after the video surfaced on Reddit.
#4. F**k Her Right In the Pussy
"Fuck Her Right in the Pussy" (42 / 803 votes) is an obscene quote that gained much notoriety online after it was widely thought to have been said by a videobombing prankster during the live broadcast of a local news report in Cincinnati, Ohio. Though it eventually debunked as a viral hoax campaign orchestrated by filmmaker John Cain in May 2014, the stunt inspired a number of imitations in real-life during live news broadcast.
#5. "I'm Really Feeling It!"
"I'm Really Feeling It" (38 / 803 votes) is a memorable quote uttered by the character Shulk in the 2012 role-playing game Xenoblade Chronicles, which became a notable catchphrase following the character's inclusion in Nintendo's melee fighting game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS.

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