See The Winner Of May 2022's Meme Of The Month!

And the meme of May 2022 goes to…

The first movie to sell one morbilllion tickets win two KYM Meme of the Month polls in a row, Morbius has performed a unique feat of becoming a cultural phenomenon without pretty much anyone actually seeing the film. Think of it: out of all Morbius memes, including gems such as Stand Back, I Am Beginning to Morb, Morbius Poster Parodies, last month's winner Morbius Sweep, and, of course, It's Morbin Time, only one – Milo's Dance – is actually based on a scene from the film. Morbheads just can't stop winning, and 56 percent of your votes is a testament to that.

Save TF2
A peaceful protest staged by the Team Fortress 2 community, Save TF2 aimed to get video game developer Valve's attention and make them finally fix the long-running bot infestation plaguing the game. The social media protest took place on May 26th, with TF2 fans posting hundreds of thousands of fanart images, memes and letters of love for their favorite game with the #savetf2 hashtag, ultimately getting Valve to respond and promise to fix their game. Don't mess with Team Fortress 2 fans, they'll politely wait two years and stage a peaceful protest! Second place with 13 of your votes.

My Dog Stepped on a Bee
A viral moment from the Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp trial in which Heard mentions that her dog stepped on a bee and she had to take him to the vet would hardly become a meme on its own were it not for a very peculiar face expression she made. And when it was combined with the attorney saying, "objection, relevance," the fate of the clip was sealed as TikTokers parodied the heck out of it over the month. Third place for My Dog Stepped on a Bee with nine percent of total votes.
Ugly Sonic
Ugh, remember the original design of movie Sonic? Remember all the memes about how uncanny and ugly it was? Remember it's human teeth? Disney remembered, too, when they decided to gain something out of the incredible amount of cringe the original Sonic the Hedgehog trailer induced by giving Ugly Sonic a small role in the 2022 meta reboot of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Ranger. Well, props to Disney, because it definitely triggered some memories, spawned a lot memes and, the ultimate prize, got Ugly Sonic the fourth place on Know Your Meme's community poll for the best memes of May 2022. Five percent of your votes for this washed-up FBI associate.

Did you know his song about summer love by Calvin Harris is actually called "When I Met You In the Summer," not "Wenomechainsama"? 🤓
The song spawned a rather unique ironic trend in which various characters (the dorkier the better) sang the improved lyrics to Calvin Harris' magnum opus via speech bubbles. Here's to the summer song of 2022 and its triumphant placement on the fifth position in our poll thanks to five percent of your voteroonies.
Not quite making it to the top half of our poll are six memes that were great in their own rights, but, let's face it, not everyone can be a winner like Morbius.
Among the bottom feeders we have an inventive fan art trend in Sonic Characters Walking in Stores (3%), a parody of that-type-of-YouTube-view-grabs in How Long Could You Survive Without X (3%), Blizzard once again proving to have little touch with humanity with their diversity tool (2%), a sweet memory of crazy things people did for the Vine in 2013 in 2013 MFs (2%), My Reaction to That Information (2%), and the Dubai Porta Potty (don't Google it).

Thank you for voting and see you next month!
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