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Prepare Thyselves: Pumpkin Spice Spam Is Coming

Now that we've already been threatened by the imminent arrival Christian Girl Autumn, the end of summer is in our sights. Time to put away our swim trunks and bust out the flannel, carve some jack-o-lanterns and brace ourselves for Pumpkin Spice season. Yup, another couple of months of people complaining about a drink that some people like and others don't, and there's nothing we can do.
Well, almost nothing we can do. We can all stand against what may be one of the most egregious and confusing flavor combinations since that Hot Cheetos Turkey thing: Pumpkin Spice Spam.
Starting on September 23rd, and will join forces to plague the world with this bizarre curio of culinary science. We won't be trying it, but luckily, some poor soul over at the Daily Meal reviewed the canned meat product. What'd they think: Sure, it's fine. They write:
Although this is one of the more peculiar pumpkin spice products on the market, surprisingly, the general consensus was that the flavor really wasn’t bad. It certainly had that soft texture that anyone who’s had Spam will be familiar with, as well as the expected salty, porky Spam flavor. Cinnamon, clove, allspice and nutmeg shared center stage with the rich and savory Spam flavor, however, along with a hint of sweetness.
This wouldn't be the first time that Spam has teased the product nobody asked for. Way back in 2017, the company posted a picture of Pumpkin Spice Spam on their Facebook as a "joke." Little did we know that they were merely market testing. Shame on you, Spam.
We'd be hardpressed to pick out two more divisive food stuffs than Spam and pumpkin spice, so maybe the pairing is a match made in heaven, but on paper, yeesh. If you're looking for a canned ham that tastes a little like a Yankee Candle, Spam's got your intensely specific desires handled.
H/T Mashable
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