The Best of "Cells at Work" Memes

So far as I can tell, there's nothing in this world that can't be reimagined as a cute anime girl. In the past year alone, we've seen an incredible influx of things humanized with big eyes, cute skirts, and PG-13 outfits. Tide PODS. Horses. The goddamn Earth. With new things becoming moe every day, perhaps mankind is on the brink of running out of subjects to be shot with the Japanizing Beam, because last month, one of the popular new anime series featured an anthropomorphized human immune system.
That would be Hataraku Saibou, known in English as Cells at Work! Its protagonist is a anthropomorphized red blood cell. It, along with other characters, works to fight off bacteria in the human body. "Platelets," which medically are cell parts that help with clotting, are depicted as adorable children. It's all extremely plucky and cute and it's become a smash in the anime community. Here are some of our favorite memes about the show.
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