meme insider

Weekend Meme Roundup: Wheatley Crab, Vegeta Cult, Mime And Dash

Mime and dash and vegeta cult.
Mime and dash and vegeta cult.

Published August 09, 2021

Published August 09, 2021

Welcome to the weekend roundup, where the trending memes of the past weekend are rounded up and examined more closely. This past weekend was a refreshing amount of diversity, as most weekends this summer have been centered around a specific theme or two being dominant.

This time around there was the anime referential theme Vegeta Cult about the popular Dragon Ball Super character's drip. Also popular over the weekend was the Portal 2 beta reference Wheatley Crab, which was also primarily a video meme. Rounding things out was the niche animation made for Newgrounds by Derpixion called Mime and Dash, featuring the cure to everyone's fear of creepy clowns, Bon-Bon and Chu-Chu.

Mime And Dash

Mime and Dash is an independent animation made by Derpixion for Newgrounds. The animation itself features two mimes, named Bon-Bon and Chu-Chu, who are part of a carnival. They have a customer who tries to guess what they are miming, and the customer doesn't get the answers right, resulting in their money being lost. Because the characters are mimes, all the subtext and emotion have to be represented through their animation, expressions and design choices, which led to a lot of scenes prime for reaction images. As is usual with OC characters in animations, there are also quite a few fan arts of them floating around as well.

Vegeta Cult

Vegeta Cult is a TikTok trend in which users change their profile pictures to an image of a character photoshopped into Vegeta's green jacket, as worn in Dragon Ball Super Broly. Users then tend to follow each other and raid certain large TikTokers' comment sections speaking about a takeover. This trend then spawned people posting photoshopped anime pictures online to other sites as a way to spread the iconic drip that Vegeta had.

Wheatley Crab

Wheatley Crab is a quote referring to an animation from the beta tests of Portal 2 in which the robotic character Wheatley, a sentient robotic orb in the original game, grows legs and morphs into a crab-like shape. After being discovered in 2020, the animation inspired remixes pairing the animation with songs over the weekend.

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Tags: mime and dash, meme insider, vegeta cult, wheatley, crab, weekend roundup, weekend meme roundup, memes, editorials,

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