
What Is 'Mr. Hands' And Why Should You Not Watch It? The Infamous Shock Video Explained

Mr. Hands video explained
Mr. Hands video explained

Published June 01, 2023

Published June 01, 2023

One thing we've learned about the internet is that when you tell someone to not Google something, chances are they're going to Google it. Over the years, the internet has learned this the hard way, especially when it comes to viral shock videos like Mr. Hands.

The now-infamous Mr. Hands film has scarred meme enjoyers for decades now, all revolving around one horse and one man who is now deceased.

So, how did Mr. Hands die? Who was he and what is the graphic video all about? Let's explain.

What Is The 'Mr. Hands' Video?

For starters, Mr. Hands was the nickname for a man named Kenneth Pinyan who died in the year 2005. Prior to his death, Pinyan and some of his friends would often sneak into the stables of the Enumclaw horse farm just outside of Seattle, Washington. There is where the notorious Mr. Hands video was filmed, and ultimately, it is also where Pinyan met his fate.

In accordance with Pinyan's friend James Michael Tait, the two (along with an unnamed other) would often film explicit acts with the male horses at the farm. They'd have the horses mount them and let them do what they please.

The Mr. Hands video became infamous when Pinyan died after engaging in an explicit act with one of the horses. His death related to the action gained notoriety, and eventually, led to a police investigation involving the questioning of Tait. And like many disgusting videos, the Mr. Hands video landed on the internet for innocent eyes to watch.

What Were Some Reactions To 'Mr. Hands?'

Back in 2007, reaction videos surfaced en masse on YouTube showing the faces of the poor souls who deemed themselves broken, broken enough to watch Mr. Hands unprompted. The reaction videos were similar to others around that time about different, yet similar, shock videos such as 2 Girls 1 Cup or the Tubgirl photo.

Why Is 'Mr. Hands' Relevant Today?

Sadly, Mr. Hands, along with many "old internet" shock videos, will always be relevant in the modern day as a new generation, like Zoomers or Gen Alpha, discover the atrocities of Millennials' and Gen X's histories.

On TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, people will likely continue to bait-and-switch naive others into watching this so-called "classic" shock video. This being said new ones will also pop up as the years go by.

For the full history of Mr. Hands, be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

Tags: mr hands, mr hands video, mr hands explained, mr hands meaning, mr hands gore, gore, shock, shock video, dont google, horse, mr hands horse, kenneth pinyan, mr hands meme, mr hands original, reaction, explained, explainer, meme, memes, meaning, who is mr,