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Nations RP: Further Beyond

Last posted Feb 21, 2019 at 05:24PM EST. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 08:07PM EDT
481 posts from 20 users

Hello and welcome to Nations RP, a game where you will rule a nation and guide them though history!

A few things that should be said first:
- The game starts in the early medieval age and progress until slightly futuristic era.
- Players act as the ruling body of a country, they don't have absolute control over people or the world.
- The game will take the form of turns, I expect that there will be around 15 before the game ends.
- There are no winning conditions. Players can lead a peaceful nation, or play as the conquerors. Culture, science, economy, diplomacy – warfare is just an element of the game.

Rules and nation details will be established later, when the game starts. For now, just state your interest and you'll be added as a player.

Players can vote on the map type, it will be polished and finalized after players make their choice:

Link to the poll

You can sign up until Tuesday, 22.08.

Last edited Aug 18, 2017 at 08:15PM EDT

Polls for the type of map are now closed, and I'll be working on a Continents/Archipelago mixed map. I'll post it as soon as it's complete.

You can still join the NatRP, until Tuesday.

I can't participate in this because my school year starts back up next week AND I have to go to a specialized welding and manufacturing academy in the mornings but I will definitely watch how things go down.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

Yes the mix type that I wanted was the winner! So when do we start making our nations?

When I complete the map, which I expect to happen within 16 hours.

The map is finished, and you can see it right here.

Various extreme terrains have been marked on the map, which affect habitability and wealth of the region, but also provide a fair deal of natural defense for your lands. Jungle is the only terrain modifier that can be removed later on in the game, with drawbacks. Mountains additionally may contain increased number of natural resources, but are nearly worthless as a farmland. You can see how the four terrain modifiers – Mountains, Jungles, Deserts, Permafrost – look here.

Rest of the land can be assumed to be plains, forests, hills, or variations of those with no special effect on habitability.

Not all land is equally valuable (due to climate and strategic location), and when assigning land at the beginning it will be taken into account so everyone recieves roughly the same value in land and assets.

Players may now begin to prepare their nations and their locations. They should follow this format:

Full name:
Location on the map:
Government type:
Main cities:

Mark your desired location in a graphic editing software (or just paint). Keep in mind that the government type should at least sort of align with the medieval starting point, although I am giving the players room for flexibility there. History should include the culture and origins of the nation, providing backstory for your country. You may list up to 7 cities, with first one being your capital. First three or four will be included on the map, so list the ones you really want first.

Sign ups are closed in a day and a half, and you have time to make your countries until late Wednesday/Thursday. Afterwards, I'll post Turn 0 and rules of the game.

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 06:46AM EDT

Name: Mir


Location: Wherever I told you in the discord

Color: Red

Government type: Republican monarchy

History: Originally settlers with a passion for fishing. After a few years of running smoothly, the self-governing cities decided to enact their own constitution, resulting in an electoral monarchy and formal declaration of statehood. After an attack by a neighboring city not long after, the new country of Mir decided to vastly increase manpower expenditure in the military as well as promote the studies of the tools and weapons that enable it. As such, there is a great level of national pride in the armed forces. The traders of Mir are hagglers and will demand high prices on the “higher quality” fish and livestock that Mir provides. Due to their history, the fisherman and traders of Mir are held in high regards by the general public.

Capital: Gorod City

Misc cities/towns:

Full name:
Kingdom of Birgerelm


Location on the map:

Government type:
Tribal Federation

The region established itself as a kingdom when Harald the Wise took the crown, after managing to settle a dispute between three of the largest tribes of the Birke peoples. The smaller tribes gladly joined under his banner, and he reigned until his death. The throne carried on to the next king, voted in by the chiefs of the various tribes, and went on to Ulf Haraldsson, the son of the old king. While he was not as excellent of a mediator between tribes during disputes, he did formalize the first set of nationwide laws, which among other things specified the role of the king. There are no other kings of note since this young kingdom emerged, other than perhaps Sigurd the Unfortunate, who drowned on soup the day after his coronation.

The Birke are simple folk. Their homes are spartan wooden buildings, there are not yet any institutes for the sciences or the arts, and there no grand monuments are being built anywhere, save for a woodcarving of Harald the Wise in Ala, three fathoms tall.

The people do not have any organized religion, but they are superstitious. Many make offerings to depictions of the dead to try to get a good harvest, and children of warned of various creatures said to inhabit the woods. Some of the smaller, more rural tribes have wise men who claim to be able to heal wounds and speak with the dead, but this is somewhat rare.

As the populations of the tribes are quite low for the most part, the largest being only 2500 men and the smallest being a mere 50, most people are at the very least acquainted with their tribesmen, providing them with help in times of need, and as such there is no massive disparity between the tribe chiefs and the poorest peasants.

Tribe chiefs are selected in different ways depending on the tribe they belong to. Some smaller tribes hold elections, while the larger ones often have a hereditary title. There's also the occasional odd man out, like Blodå, where the chief is chosen by a death battle. All tribe chiefs hold a meeting twice a year, where they bring up disputes, requests for help, or ideas that would require many tribes to work together. Other tribes are free to agree or disagree with propositions, but the king has final say on what actions will be taken.

The kingdom does not make a lot of contact with the outside world. They are aware of other nations, and they do occassionaly sail out to trade, but there are no formal diplomatic relations with them. Recently, however, some musical instruments have been imported from afar at the request of Tage Birgersson, tribe chief of Styrke and lover of the arts.

Main cities:

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 09:56AM EDT

Full name: Vesperia
Flag: (I reuse this one from NS)

Location on the map:

Government type: Tyrannical Dictatorship
Around the early stage of Vesperia, a bunch of settlers encountered the isolated island in the middle of the ocean, which they saw as a good spawning ground for fish. Setting up territory, no type of political rule was established, leading to confusion.

One thought that if one who controls the food, being the farmers and fishermen, to be given to citizens who be higher up in power, due to responsible to controlling who survives. However, this gotten easy broken, as one individual would later be ruler of Vesperia managed to manipulated everyone and used insane logic and get himself on top.

After getting themselves on the top, they managed to have absolute power over the nation, repealing any acts that would remove them from their role. Even despite being almost 100 miles away from other nations, they still try to bring him travelers. For some strange reason, a small religion group has established themselves on the nation worshiping a random medium-sized hole in a field.
Main cities:
Ministry District
Public Housing Area
Preservation Park
Amusement District
Port Checkpoint
The Pit

Full name: The Free Kingdoms


Location on the map:

Government type: Federal Monarchy

History: The Free Kingdoms were formed by an alliance struck by many smaller kingdom, city states, and peoples that compose its territory. A series of famines and plagues caused the kingdoms to weaken, and allowed one man to rise up into power. Legends say the first High King conquered all the lands, and then showed mercy by allowing them each to keep their rulers and lands, in exchange for bending the knee. It is said that the High King did so, before ascending Mount Ostagar with an army in tow, and leaving his second in command in charge of the kingdoms until his return. Legend says he conquered the skies and built a kingdom in the clouds, before it ascended into the heavens, carving a place for all who die worthily to find rest from the cycle below.

Ever since, the Free Kingdoms have set about staying united, using each others crops and resources to help each other, while also agreeing to compensation. A yield of one kingdoms crops might be worth a shipment of weapons to another kingdom. Each city state has its own ruler, its own subject, and its own laws, but all obey the final say of the Council of Kings, and the High Steward who sits as arbiter of their rulings. When one of these people grows old, they make a pilgrimage up the mountain, to join their High King in Heaven.

Due to each nations semi-soverign nature, competition and rivalry between kingdoms helps to promote a culture of competition and one-up-manship. Innovations and new inventions are considered as valuable as a mine of gold, and most valuable to the kingdoms, is colors. Dyes are a huge draw for many in the Free Kingdoms, a variety of colors and shades being one of the biggest and easiest ways for the kingdoms to keep their individual identities, and celebrate indiviudality itself. Most valuable of all is the color Purple, derived from a rare herb native to the kingdoms, it is considered the most elegant and hardest color to find dye for, and thus is worth its weight in gold twice over. The kingdom enjoys trade with one another, and trade with anyone else, who has innovations or luxuries to sell.

Main cities:
Cape Kraken
Broken Spire

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 02:58PM EDT

Full name: Al Amarja


Location on the map:

Government type: Federal Republican Monarchy

History: The people that would become the Al Amarjians are a diverse group, half being natives of the island and others being merchants, explores, colonists, fugitives, scholars, mystics and wayward nobles from distant lands that all had many reasons for going to the island. The foreigners that would form the Al Amarjians had many hardships to contend with as not only did they have to deal with both the natives and the native wildlife of the island but each other as well as none were able to get along with each other.

The many groups fought bitterly against each other in many small scale wars to claim land and the resources those lands provided, each one craving pieces of the land for their own to create their own nation. Tribal Federations and Confederations that have been on the island soon found themselves at war against dutchies, principalities, grand dutchies, kingdoms, city states, and republics all made by the foreigners.

This state of constant warfare would continue for many years until mysterious people from the sea would wash up on shore and begin to raid and pillage the towns, villages, and cities on Al Amarja. The many nations tried to fight these invaders alone but each one failed to defeat them, when things were bleak the nations met together and with their imminent doom looming over them they form an alliance to try and fight off the invaders.

The war between the invaders and the many nations would see the people of Al Amarja almost be defeated but after winning a series of critical battles manage to turn the war to their favor and eventually would expel the invaders.

With the war now over many of the nations return back to their lands to rebuild but while most never thought about it the seeds that would unify them was sow, yet it would take a while for them to finally achieve unification. After the years of reconstruction and fighting in yet other smaller scale wars against each other that saw the formation of new counties, sub units, and city states. A plague, and yet another group of invaders that tried and failed to defeat them the nations of Al Amarja were finally convinced to meet in a building now known as the Diet to establish a unifying government on the island.

With the enacting of a formal constitutions the various states of Al Amarja was now ruled under an electoral monarchy and a great council made up of powerful families of merchants, aristocrats, mystics, and scholars and with it formalling announce to the world their statehood. While the native tribes had difficulties in accepting the new nation eventually after a few treaties that protected their hold on some of the lands of the nations the tribes were fully assimilated to the nation.

The nation of Al Amarja is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural nation, each part of the island containing a diverse array of different people and cultures. A nation forged by foreigners it comes to no surprise that they are aware of other nations beyond their island and while they are willing to trade most wish to be isolated and live out their lives in peace.

The nation of Al Amarja has benefited in it's time of peace as many guilds, trade associations, and companies have form to create a booming industry in the island, the wealth of said industry being used to create great works of arts, construction of new buildings ranging from homes, buildings of worships, castles, and even schools and universities, and the funding of a conscript army along the research of new scientific and technological development.

Yet this flourishing of art, culture, and science is only visible in the cities as in the more rural areas farm life has changed much save for new farm tools, property laws, and new taxes. More importantly even with science increasing the various faiths and superstitions of the island still hold strong in the minds of Al Amarjians.

The cultural traits that are common among the Al Amarjians is their strong belief in the more mystical and supernatural aspects of the world, however scholars and philosophers and their teachings have a powerful and influential place in Amarjian society along with nobles, mystics, and merchants. The arts of all kind from sculpture, paintings, and music are quite popular as it is literature to those who can read that is. Al Amarjians try to balance both their traditional customs and values with new innovation, insuring none destroys the other.

Al Amarjians are known to allow women a bit more rights than usual as women can own their own properties, own custody of children should they separate from their husbands, and even start their own businesses. Yet most women are never allowed in the army save for some being trained as either homeland defense militia or covert agents to sneak into enemy territory and either gather valuable information or assassinate high value targets.

Walking in the streets in Al Amarjian cities one would find some people performing rituals and ceremonies or celebrating festivals and holidays due to the many faiths in the island, you may even find some people wearing masks or veils to hide their faces.

Main cities:
Al Azif

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 03:55PM EDT

Full name:
The Aoxia Dominion


Location on the map: (anywhere in shaded)

Government type:
Monarch-led Confederated States

In the distant past when the seas boiled and the gods built mountains, man scrambled to claim their lands, greed and survival driving settlers south. Meeting cold winds and vast bodies of water, several communities sprung up in the southern corners of the great continent. When bronze glistened in this dawn of civilization, rivalries and wars broke out to fracture the peace seeking people.

Several land-owning and elite households had rose to prominence, and they vied for farmlands and power. They surrounded themselves with great walls and formed citystates, with outlying villages and farmsteads paying tax and tributaries to the capitals in exchange for protection with their lords armies. Alliances and coalitions between the states were characteristic for seasons unending, the people hardened into the cycle of war. These conflicts were resolved through matches of spear and pike, conscripts forming a razored line in open battle to meet the maw of chariots. Peasants were obligated to serve six years before returning to their fields, yet the rule of the households were strong and kept them safe.

Nine families governed over this splintered region. These were the houses of Yin, Zhei, Yao, He, Liu, Che, Xu, Sui, and Shen. It was the figure Sunming Shen that would be the warlord to unite these factions. Shen was a small state compared to her enemies, and positioned in the central plains left them constantly on guard. Sun's father had married with a Che noble's daughter, aligning the two houses in a military pact. Xu, which held the largest land to the south, came storming into Che territories. Obligated to fight, Shen-Che forces met their foes outside the Che capital's gates. However outnumbered by an army twice their size, Xu toppled the defenses and took the city. Sun's father had been killed leading a chariot charge, and the Che family line had ended during the razing of the city. Sun was now heir to both houses, yet his position was weak. Xu was occupied governing their new lands, and did not push into Shen borders. Knowing an invasion would come, Sun went about reforming his army and policies. The central plains made for fine horsebreeding, their chariots renowned for speed and endurance. Shen looked to cast away the dated tactics of chariot driving, instead training his conscripts to mount armored warhorses. Heavy cavalry was devised for shock tactics to break a pike wall, however these were costly to maintain and was in limited stock. More abundant was the use of light cavalry, able to scout and harass the enemy.

As the head of Yin had died from illness during a long winter, his three sons had squandered and contended with each other for control. Yao allied themselves with the eldest, while He supported the youngest. Sun found the middle son at his gates, seeking aid. Taking an opportunity to test his cavalry, Sun agreed and set out to meet the Yao spearmen. While Yin clashed with Yao, Sun flanked the enemy with heavy cavalry, crushing the forces and causing a rout. Later the same year while attempting to collect the remnant loyalist forces, the middle brother died of poisoning. The armies of He soon after moved into Yin lands, although Sun had acquired a substantial portion of the Yin. Sun drove his cavalry into the distracted He's holds as they were off plundering the Yin countryside. When they came back they were met with Shen banners flying about their city walls. A siege took form, however Sun had hidden away his cavalry, and they came charging into the He rear, ending the siege. Shen now held control over Yin and He territories, and Yao was crumbling to Liu incursions.

Liu had successfully taken Yao lands piece by piece, and they began to rival Xu and Shen in size and wealth. Sui sought to restore lost territories from past Zhei rivalries, and called upon Liu to partition Zhei lands. As Zhei was engulfed in war, their royal family sailed south and found quarter at Xu. Liu-Sui next turned their interests to Shen. Launching a large scale campaign against Shen holdings in previous Yin marches, Xu intervened on behalf of Zhei and broke off a Liu force. Sun sent Shen cavalry to pursue the Liu and turned his Yin infantry to hold off any Xu advances. Sui would withdraw from aiding the Liu, finding no cause to fight a losing war. In time Shen would lay siege to Liu, forcing a surrender and the taking the territories. Xu, growing weary of the amassing Shen strength reached out to Sui to attack Shen on both sides. The Zhei took offense to this, raising an insurrection in which resulted in the death of the Xu king and a brutal massacre of the Zhei family. Xu's heir was a naive and easily manipulated boy, who was withdrawn from military matters. He holed himself in his cities walls, perhaps in fear from the early death of his father. Thus Sui found itself without allies once again, and Shen easily toppled their armies.

Xu nonetheless held out, their armies hardened and walls thick. Barbarian riders from the north threatened the northern marches of the Shen state, and prevented anymore plans against Xu for several years. Sun had aged considerably since his early ventures, and was beginning to feel the impressions of time. Duke Wei of Yin took grasp of the army. A series of strongholds in the north was built, serving as the realm’s defense against invaders, with a considerable wall built around the ancient citadel of Beisai. Wei introduced several new conscription mandates, requiring the bastions to be fortified with one thousand soldiers year round. Taxes were also reevaluated, and a formal currency adopted to phase out the separate coin system of the city-states. Furthermore, commonfolk were forbidden to bear arms. A more formal military was adopted based around age and health requirements. Professional cavalry became a position that when served under for ten years would warrant a seat in the ministry. Thus all future administrators and cabinet members would have military service and experience. Sun in his advanced age had grown to become austere and sober in temper. Religion based around ancestral worship and nature and elemental spirits had existed in this southland for ages. While kept distinctly separate from most governments, Sun had adopted policies that were geared towards spiritual matters. Dedicating time to temples and the sermons of monks, Sun outlawed arthouses, brothels, and the consumption of alcohol. Books unrelated to history, military matters, and practical education were burned. Scholars and poets were executed. Largely unpopular by the populace, the ministry reversed most of these laws, however the damage held been dealt considerably. What did remain was the meritocratic system of schooling and government office position. Offices and the military were held in high regard in this demanding society, and it would take centuries for the arts to recover.

Sun however remained a cautious and calculating military mind. His final campaign to destroy the Xu was based on a scorched earth policy threatening total destruction to those that failed to yield. While a massive Shen army cut a bloody swath through Xu lands, the Xu government fled on boats, riding the course of the Rulong river. Upon reaching the firth the mouth of the river, they were greeted by the Shen fleet. Begging amnesty and promising to exile themselves, the government hoped to escape the Shen conquerors. When their desperate pleas were answered by a hail of arrows, the Xu princes flung himself from the ship and drowned into the deep river.

The citystates had finally been united, and Shen power was at its zenith. The city-states were reformed into prefectures, and a capital, Shenhua, was designated as the seat of imperial power. However Sun only revered in his victory for two years, as his strict reforms concerning culture and behavior left him with animosity on all sides. On a particular early morning as Sun was reciting holy mantras, the temple around him was set ablaze, and in his advanced age he succumbed to the fire. Regardless of who committed the affair, power was passed onto the respected and able Wei family.

The Wei Dynasty survived for sixteen generations, in their time they relaxed military laws and adjusted to peacetime governance. Nonetheless a populace that had endured centuries of endless conflict still rested upon a martial mentality. Iron would replace bronze, and steel would be introduced by the Wei's late reign. Conscription was still present and military service required for government offices, and a decent navy was kept, however limited to coastal waters. Venturing out towards other civilizations and societies was neither prohibited nor encouraged. A people distrusting of outsiders and proud of their own, it would take time to build relations with foreign powers. City planning and stonework became government institutions as populations rose. Irrigation, standardized building codes, and wheat/rice stores were commonplace at the twilight years of the Wei rule. The frigid regions of the south meant constant fires and burning of fuel, popularly charcoal. Furtrapping is a popular trade that contributed to local economy. Overtime as succession crises and stagnant governance became noticeable, the Wei line would be replaced by the present Hsia Dynasty, ambitious and curious rulers that look to the seas and outside for greater ventures.

Main cities:

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 06:14PM EDT

Full name: Switzerland 3: The Last Hope (referred to as avalons or avalonians to be shorter)


Location on the map:

Government type: Monarchical Republic
Decades only after the coup that would oust most of the goverment members of switzerland 2, the country now positioned as the the top exporter of oil for the united states and #1 in scientifical advances makes an amazing discovery during a fracking operation, a tomb hidden 600 feet underground that dated to the year 10,000 B.C, inside they found many relics and doomsday predictions carved in the walls that shocked many of the island intellectuals.

shorly after this discovery efforts were made almost by all members of the UN to cover this whole ordeal before the common folk could find out knowing the discovery would almost instantly be published by the university of oudane, as useless as this effort was many countries found themselves in bigger problems than the spread of the knowledge that a civilization existed centuries before humans, natural catastrophes were reported in every corner of the world, instability and civil war reigned supreme in otherwise safe towns and tensions between bitter enemies rose to nuclear levels.

The discovery of the temple of "wisha" unfolded a pandora box upon earth that would be impossible to kill, avalon's top scientists managed to translate the predictions found within the walls, apparently this building was created by the atlantians when their empire stretched from the americas to the middle east housing the terrible god "wisha", described by atlantian folklore as a hateful being trapped in time and space, that was promptly freed by atlantian scientists when they seeked to merge their weal flesh bodies into inmortal machinery, tampering with the equilibrium of nature and existance, the temple was their last attempt to inprison the god before its rage destroyed humanity, sadly taking away the thriving empire in its process.

The catastrophe unfolded by avalon's careless oil excavation and made worse by their unprecedent technological advancement put the god into a state of catharsis, looking to finish what it had started 10 thousand years ago. Neighbors weren't at all very happy, as their released nuclear warheads on their bitter enemies they made sure to send most of them to the tiny island state, hoping that would calm the vengeful god (it won't), in a last minute decision to save their skins the avalonians activated their secret teleportation project, plugging every energy source in the city to it in order to set it on before nuclear hellfire rained on their heads.

The tribe of switzerland 3 stablished itself in the fuck you island 3,000 years ago after their almost mysterious sudden appearance in the one previously inhabitated island, the tribe settled near a river close to the coast and established their first city officially named "Oudane" in order to remember a thing from the past, what this thing is is completely unknown as the avalon people don't know what it is, or how they got to the island, or anything about their origin really, but its still important to remember it.

The state of switzerland 3 took advantage of their position between two huge landmasses to stablish a strong trade node between the area, the construction of a navy came almost naturally to the avalonians, and soon enough their new ships started bringing goods from neighboring tribes and crossing them for a rather expensive fee, which noone complained about considering nobody else could doit for them, this brought many riches to the young island and allies and friends on both sides of the strait.

Technologically the avalon people seem to have a knack for gadgets and devices and have even built schools as top priorities in order to properly teach the future generations, culturally they almost seem like an amalgamazion of different cultures, ethnicites, ideas, isms and people, of course there is no proof of this as there is no recorded history of any of them, regardless they are very unique and almost feel out of place in their current geographical era.

Main cities:
bern 3
avalon prima

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 06:07PM EDT

Name: The Kingdom of Harena


Government: Federal Democratic Monarchy

Once many tribes of mostly hunters and gatherers, some tribes discovered farming, and decided to settle in the region as a result. The rest of the tribes continued hunting and gathering deep within the southwest mountains. As the farming population grew rapidly, they eventually formed a bunch of little communities all over the land. Once they discovered the uses of metals such as copper and eventually iron, the technology quickly spread across the farming communities. A principality, located in present day Harena City, decided to conquer its neighbors with this technology and form the Harenan Empire. After centuries had passed, the people had grown tired of the autocratic government, and removed them from power in the Great Harenan Revolution. While the revolution successfully gave the monarchy's power to the people, the monarchs themselves continued to survive and prosper to this day.
The Kingdom has been mostly isolated during it's history, with the only contact being with the mountain tribes.

Capital: Harena City (Blue)

Other Major Cities:
Montis (Purple)
Loritania (Green)
Pétat (Orange)

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 06:28PM EDT

Name: Blazing Citadel

Government: Grand Commander
History: A nation founded out a free land plagued by bandits, the Blazing Citadel is a nation led by the Grand Commander, a military hero who lead the vigilante group that evolved into the country. Now a legion of warriors and farmers who make up the population are working hard to create a realm free of bandits. It's People believe that the leader of the country should be the strongest warrior, so they have elected the general who has proven the most bravery and skill. Now working to expand its cities and technology, it has become a peaceful nation, but will not stand down to invaders.

Capital: Outer Haven (mix)
Others: Chenghou Project (main residential and business)
Groznyj Grad (main military base)
Rokovoj Bereg (Main farm)

Name: Grimmoria



Government type: Monarchy


Long ago, before the land that would soon be known as Grimmoria was ruled by the magical elite. These elite consisted of the highest mages, wizards, and warlocks in all the world. Those without magic, or of magical blood, were little more than peasants, lower class that had to work their lungs out just to feed their families, while the elite have all their luxuries given to them on a silver platter. The lower class shunned the elite, eventually adopting the racial slur, "Nerds", a mockery of their overly-studious nature.

With each passing day, the difference of quality lifestyles between the elite and the peasants widens, and the tension between the two groups boils. after many years, the lower class finally said that enough is enough, and, under the helm of the handsomely handsome crusader, Grimmore, they spearheaded a full on assault against the mages.

with a combination of wit, cunning, and the elite undermining the resistences strength, the mages were driven out of the land, bringing forth a new era, and giving birth to the land's name, Grimmoria.

Only warriors and rangers are welcome on these parts, and any form of magic is deemed forbidden, as it is a product of the "nerds". Major trade exports include Sunflower seeds, wheat, domestic animals, and various forms of weed. They do not wish to engage in violence, unless their kingdom is directly threatened, our if it is to combat the "nerd" menace.

The rite of king is passed down from generation to generation, with the current king being Grimmore the 4th. As king/queen, they must swear loyalty to his/her kingdom, and the cause of combating the "nerd" menace.

Major cities:








Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 09:11PM EDT

Name: McDonalds™



Color: Yellow

Government type: Maritime Mercantile Directive

History: in a distant land there were two warring clans, the McDonalds and the TcHalums. The TcHalums were people of war, with weapons and siege engines unseen elsewhere in the world. The McDonalds were people of fine cuisine, whose greatest culinary invention – the Meat and Two Loaves – was beloved in all the land. Though the latter had many allies, their will to fight was eventually broken and they willingly exiled themselves to this distant land. They kept their familial ties and their traditions, represented by the glorious golden "M" and the coat of arms with symbols meaning (in clockwise order from top left): their beloved Meat and Two Loaves, a matchbox containing religious incense sticks, a short saber-like weapon with a conic handle, and a primitive wine jug. They opted to call themselves simply "McDonalds" at first, but soon their high priests convened and they decided to add the words "Temeriani Moresteumi" (meaning "by the will of God and Man" in their lost tongue), abbreviated in the form "TM", to their name. They drifted for years before finally setting down around the shores of a large body of water that they declared a sacred source of food, calling it the "McLake™".

Capital: Big Mac City
Misc cities/towns:
Quarter Pounder
Filet O Fish
Serious Angus
Hot Fudge Sundae
Loaded Salsa Fries

Full name: Whiteshack

Location on the map: Said it in discord
Government type: No matter what their title is their current government seem to be a monarchy. While the leader has total power he has ministers who take charge of things the head of state might not be able to wrap his head around, though he himself is able to intrude on the minister’s commands either to veto or make a counter-ruling. For now the nation is lead by a shogun.
History: Whiteshack is a rather confusing nation. They talk about a fabled first king “Reagan Roth” who according to legends created the island by making a joke so funny the sea coughed up the island. A more scientific view would see a bunch of tribes banding together under a tribesman who later called himself King Nimpus of the 80 Rollops. He was disfigured and his parents tried to kill him multiple times, shown by the several fractures in his skeleton’s pelvic area. Their current capital, Dark Google, was constructed my Emperor Wijard, the king famous for crawling around on the floor of the royal palace and defecating inside his own clothes. Chunagua and Yoyobobo are the second largest cities in Whiteshack. Chunagua used to be a smaller city-state which was a vassal of Whiteshack. Their last king before annexation, Chuntus Moah Pisser DIV, was executed “for giving us a frighten” because of his penchant for running full force up to people for casual conversation. Yoyobobo was their first city fabled to have been made from Reagan Roth’s “bong wheat”. Scholars still try to figure out what their ancestors meant with this. The current leader, Shogun Named Ghurt, came into power after his predecessor was executed for saying “the N-word” to a holy sage. The culture of Whiteshack is as strange as the people. There are many customs, such as “The Ritual of Leonard Poopsi” that became a custom after a holy sage called Leonard Poopsi did a blessing to relieve the people of Whiteshack of the pains of toilet visits. They are respectful of their sages which can be compared to priests or other positions in churches. Their woodwork is their greatest pride as it takes a large part of their culture. Their cultivation of the art has made their woodwork of great quality. Their jokes are a bit strange thanks to their isolated comedy scene and might fly above some outsider’s heads.
Main cities:
Dark Google (Capital)
Mario Weed
St. John’s Minecraft

Full name:The Kuzunoha Empire


Location on the map:

Government type: Absolute Monarchy

History:The Kuzunoha Empire was founded by the Nine-Tailed Kitsune Inari Kuzunoha and has been ruled by her decedents ever since. A land populated by the fox-like people called Kitsune The Kuzunoha Empire has been a land of relative peace since it's foundation. After a countless number of years of tribal strife a Kitsune with nine jet black tails had shown herself speaking words of unity under one banner: Hers while some joined her without a second thought others tried to kill her. However every assassin and warrior who was sent to kill her found themselves for what ever reason unable to bring themselves to do so and would instead sit down and listen to her words.

The Empire has a caste system based around the number of tails one has and determines what kind of jobs are available them as well as their magical abilities:

0-2: Low Rank (Farmers,Servants, lnn Keepers, Local merchants, etc.)

3-5: Middle Rank (Scholars, Mayors, Entertainers, Artisans. etc)

6-7: High Rank ( Governors, Generals, Royal Attendants, High Priests)

8: Royal Family only.

9: God-Emperor/Empress only.

While the caste system is heavily enforced it is not unheard of or taboo for higher ranked Citizens to reward those below them with a promotion of a extra tail
While any Middle Ranked citizen and up citizen can promote a lower ranked citizen with a single tail they can only do this once per person and even then only once a year

Main cities:
Kuzunoha City

Last edited Aug 22, 2017 at 09:47AM EDT

Just a quick heads-up: There is no actual magic in the world, since we are running a semi-realistic game.

I'll allow Twisty's story as a founding myth.
I will treat Grimmore's story 'mages' akin to shamans/druids in celtic countries, religious power figures.
In Anti-Guys empire, tails can be used as a title, along with a visible emblem with the number of them, similar to baron/count/duke/prince/king.

I realized that I didn't go into detail with my nation's culture, so I'm going to try and describe it in this post:

Neighbors: The Harenan people are more isolated compared to other nations, with their only neighbors being the independent Principality of Cincta, and the nomadic tribes within the southern desert and southwest mountains. While this has allowed for China-esque population levels in Harena, the Harenans, especially the monarchy, currently have the mentality that Harena is the most civilized nation in the world.

Government: The Harenan Kingdom consists as a bunch federated principalities, all of which are autonomous to the same extent. The principalities are so small, that they can be considered city-states with a shared government. The government they all share is located in Harena City. The main government controls things such as currency, military, and the tax system, while the principalities control everything else.

Lifestyle: The Harenan Kingdom deeply values agriculture, as that's the main division between them and their neighbors who either hunt and gather, or eat nuts off the jungle trees. A few of the crops grown in Harena include rice, wheat, and cotton, the latter of which clothes the populace. Most Harenans live under a feudal system, where the peasants only get to leave when they're drafted to fight in wartime. When the seasons are unfavorable to harvests, the monarchy is forced to give up some of their food in storage to feed the peasants. For some reason, Harena has never had an official religion, the people instead follow various codes and philosophies that were conceived by great minds millennia ago. The monarchy itself never bothered with making any of them mandatory or official, though.

Money: Implementing a currency has been a gamble (pun intended), but the Harenan city-states eventually settled with a copper and gold standard of coin making, which worked so well that even Cincta adopted the currency. Harena also created a taxation system, the purpose of it to give the government funding to do things, such as recruit a large army and navy, fund glass-making, development of the arts and science, and a recently formed education system, the school districts controlled independently by each of the federated city-states. Paper had been invented a few centuries ago, but the government didn't want to replace the currency with it, in fear of counterfeit. Paper was instead used for making books, sending letters, and even for recording census results every 10 years. The most recent of which saw the population as being a little over 100 Million!

Current issues: In the present say, most Harenans have gotten restless, due to fears that current food supplies may be insufficient to feed them all in the near future. The monarchy decided that it was time to explore deeper into the world, in search of more fertile land. Little did they know of the other nations that lurked from behind Harenan frontiers, and how it would put the nation's diplomatic abilities to the test.

Last edited Aug 22, 2017 at 11:22AM EDT

Full Name: Redline Island

Location on map:

Goverment Type:
Many small principalities and kingdoms united under a central council.

Redline is a island nation that is completely and totally dominated by day to day racing events, there is no war and never has been, there is no strife or tension between the small kingdoms that inhabit this island. Every single dispute, election and problem is settled with racing. The people of this island are dedicated to speed and good sportsmanship and have little time for anything outside of general sustenance and technological advancements to achieve higher speeds and racing classes.

New arrivals to the island are automatically invited to become apart of Redline so as to assert their speed mettle.

The seas around Redline Island are littered with hundreds of years worth of shipwrecks, debris and medieval tech lighthouses/beacons.

Past aggressive incursions against the island have been met with a unified counter attack, these rare periods are the only times when racing is put on standby.

The island itself is something of a paradise hence the pursuit of 24/7 entertainment.

Current racing events are horse and carriage and boat races around the island.

Loads of different people came from all over the place and landed upon the island, the population is extremely diverse but not intermixed, the kingdoms are well defined giving a strong sense of teams. Everyone worships a single god entity they have aptly named "Speed God"

Turbo Town
Throttle Zone
Nitro Road
Break Down
Exhaust Valley
Gas Farm
Diesel City

Laika, the location you've chosen has already been claimed by Deblod100's Vesperia. Please choose another unclaimed region, unless you want to immediately border his country, then please state so in the thread.

To give the players who are yet to post in the thread a better sense of where the players are, here is a WIP world map with only player territories.

Also, I got a DM from another player, he will post his nation tommorow-ish. Just so you know that we'll have one more.

Last edited Aug 22, 2017 at 04:57PM EDT

Shape wrote:

Laika, the location you've chosen has already been claimed by Deblod100's Vesperia. Please choose another unclaimed region, unless you want to immediately border his country, then please state so in the thread.

To give the players who are yet to post in the thread a better sense of where the players are, here is a WIP world map with only player territories.

Also, I got a DM from another player, he will post his nation tommorow-ish. Just so you know that we'll have one more.

Hang on, I could have sworn that the whole island belongs to Vesperia. Why is some of the island still in white?

Deblod100 wrote:

Hang on, I could have sworn that the whole island belongs to Vesperia. Why is some of the island still in white?

I have stated that I assign the land so the value is equal for each player (whenever possible, because I do not think I'll be able to do that for Laika due to his location). Your island is in a temperate, ideal climate and has a rather big area. Not to make it unfair to other players, I have curbed you down a little, but I did so to others, too. Sometimes I gave more land when I deemed the claim too small, or when the land they receive is just simply crappy.

Shape wrote:

I have stated that I assign the land so the value is equal for each player (whenever possible, because I do not think I'll be able to do that for Laika due to his location). Your island is in a temperate, ideal climate and has a rather big area. Not to make it unfair to other players, I have curbed you down a little, but I did so to others, too. Sometimes I gave more land when I deemed the claim too small, or when the land they receive is just simply crappy.

So wait, can I claim the rest of the island I'm on later?

Shape wrote:

I have stated that I assign the land so the value is equal for each player (whenever possible, because I do not think I'll be able to do that for Laika due to his location). Your island is in a temperate, ideal climate and has a rather big area. Not to make it unfair to other players, I have curbed you down a little, but I did so to others, too. Sometimes I gave more land when I deemed the claim too small, or when the land they receive is just simply crappy.

So because I'm curious did you increase my nation's size because it was too small and you wanted it to be equal to the others in size?

So wait, can I claim the rest of the island I’m on later?

Yes, you can obtain land through warfare and diplomacy, and later on colonization, if it's relatively uninhabited.

So because I’m curious did you increase my nation’s size because it was too small and you wanted it to be equal to the others in size?

Not in size; in value. You chose a rather small amount of land with hardly habitable jungles and in tropical climate, so I compensated that with more territory.

Shape wrote:

So wait, can I claim the rest of the island I’m on later?

Yes, you can obtain land through warfare and diplomacy, and later on colonization, if it's relatively uninhabited.

So because I’m curious did you increase my nation’s size because it was too small and you wanted it to be equal to the others in size?

Not in size; in value. You chose a rather small amount of land with hardly habitable jungles and in tropical climate, so I compensated that with more territory.

Figure it was going to be something like that.

Full Name: Kainereka Clans



Government: Federation of Clans

History: Kainereka are a collection of what best described as clans held together by old familial and feudal ties. In the past these clans would often war against one another, but this came to an end thanks to the work of K'had Grey, the Peacemaker. Although not a leader in the conventional sense, he managed to end the bloodshed between the peoples and provide a new sense of identity and unity to the peoples of Kainereka, as well as a forum known as the Great Longhouse. Kainerekan's to this day revere him as the founder of the nation.

While the Peacemaker's legend has been embellished over the years, the clans, while occasionally arguing with each other, have not gone to war with each other since then, making his legacy lasting. The government is led by a 'Speaker' who is elected into power by the clans for ten years. Various other organizations like the Clan Mothers hold power to act as a series of checks and balances. The Speaker has solid power despite the clans autonomy, resulting in occasional tension between the two.

Kainereka is known for it's considerable rivers and great forests. While it would be wrong to call them collectivist, they do have a very strong sense of cooperative help for each other. Class mobility is also relatively quite high. Although their religion has strong connections to nature, they are a surprisingly diligent and industrious people, famous for their workshops selling all matters of crafts and arts. Trade is important and its Warrior Societies produce some of the finest fighters in the lands. It's major exports are timber, ceramics, glassware and iron. Typical diets include corn, wheat, beef and fruits. Resources in their lands are limited however, so careful husbandry of what is left is important.


Last edited Aug 23, 2017 at 08:31PM EDT

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