you are a virgin wat do
hold the fuck up
are you a boy
or are you a girl
>I am a boy
>I am a girl
>I am a snowflake
65,217 total conversations in 720 threads
Last posted
3 years ago.
4 years ago
23 posts
2 users
you are a virgin wat do
hold the fuck up
are you a boy
or are you a girl
>I am a boy
>I am a girl
>I am a snowflake
>select boy
you are a boy
you are currently in your parent's filthy basement
wat do
>examine room
The room is full of MISCELLANEOUS SHIT.
>Inspect computer
>Inspect pool table
>Inspect door
>Inspect bed
>Inspect bookshelf
>inspect bookshelf
Your bookshelf has a number of BOOKS on it.
Partial list:
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook
Gun Care for Dummies
AD&D Second Edition Dungeon Master's Guide
Shadowrun 4E Core Rulebook
Undertale: The Manga Vol. 2
At the Mountains of Madness
Zombie Apocalypse Survival for Dummies
>Read book
somebody post plz
>read Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook
After a couple hours, you have completed digesting the information contained within. What do you do next?
>Inspect computer
>Inspect pool table
>Inspect door
>Inspect bed
>inspect computer
There is a new EMAIL in your inbox!
>check inbox
It's some JUNK MAIL from a porn site.
>refresh the other sites
KYM: There is a new FORUM POST.
Google: Nothing.
/tg/: There is a lot of NOGAMES SHITPOSTING.
>inspect pool table
There are a bunch of DICE on the pool table. There are no pool balls, though. You don't even know the rules of pool.
>inspect door
It's a normal door. There is a DART BOARD on it.
>open door
>inspect bed
Your BED is a normal BED.
You have a new EMAIL in your inbox.
>check email
>open door
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