So I've been trying to like this show for a while now, as some of you probably know. In my ongoing quest I decided to give "May the Best Pet Win!" a shot. I waited for a time when I was on my meds and in a good mood, so I wouldn't get irritated and nitpicky.
My thoughts?
It was decent.
The challenge was looking at it from a cartoon perspective, which is foreign to me because I didn't watch cartoons as a kid. I kept having to tell myself to try not to be too analytical and to try to pass things off as artistic choices or non-canonical.
Even so, the ponies knowing the lyrics to and improv song, Tank lifting the rock and Rainbow Dash impacting the wall hard enough to crack it (without dying) really challenged my suspension of disbelief.
Also, RD acted like sort of a dick in this one. She clearly isn't cut out for pet ownership.
There were some moments that made me chuckle, though. the "Dun dun dun" gag and Fluttershy getting so excited are two examples of things I thought were funny.
It's still one of those things that's a bit awkward to watch even when there's no one around, though (though less awkward than it was at first).
But in the end, it was okay, I guess.