Ric Tesla says I'm new here…after being a Brony since March…being on the site for over 2 years…posting on the first thread when it was less active and would go dead for days at a time…
Anywho, the fact that I know it exists (by virtue of me posting an example of it) doesn't mean I necessarily understand it (Karnage.)
But thanks for a straight answer, Ric. I don't get the appeal of doing something because it's not expected (assuming you're going with a loose definition of irony as opposed to doing something for one reason and it actually having the opposite effect,) but I don't have to. I just wanted to know a reason.
I also place a low value on epic stuff like Master Chief or the honor of battle. I'd just rather chill out and watch birds fly by (as seen from my birthday request post,) but I think that's another thing I don't value. So it never occurred to me that turning ponies into war-like creatures as a desirable thing.
Can we leave the porn and R34 out of a children’s show! Stop sexualizing everything. As a 20 year old teenager I would be lying if I said that porn wasn’t interesting, however, there is no need to sexualize everything in sight. Including a kids show!!
You've missed my point Ivan. Entirely, I'm afraid.
For one, I simply explained why people might have felt as if they could post R34. I never said anything about how I felt about it or whether I thought it was right or wrong. The post was a matter of KYM's policy of pornographic material and how it users got mixed signals as to what they could do.
Second, if you've read any of my posts on the matter, you would know that I don't like R34 of Pony. I tolerate it for humanizations, and it offends me for Pony sex, but I don't indulge in either.
And, at the core of the matter, you're suggesting that we take your values and apply them to our own. That is dangerous grounds upon which to tread. My stance on porn of any sort is being honest with yourself and recognizing if you have a problem that will affect yourself or other people. I think it's more than just a little weird to like the porn of FiM, but I want to have a darn good reason before I alienate a person and make them feel like less of a person because they do like it, especially when they don't really want to.