Ignoring that one sentence post by verbose aside, THIS. IS THE MOST BIASED, HAPHAZARDLY WRITTEN ARTICLE I HAVE EVER SEEN.
While i respect the author's opinion that the "#savederpy" campaign is a bit of overreacting, the only thing he seems to do is blast the brony community for the R34 fags out there.
Right off the bat, he includes the picture of some undisclosed individual, probably himself in his sickest fantasies, kissing a pony he probably knows nothing about (Pinkamena). You can tell he's trying to incite a shitstorm out of that very first picture, and if it's a shitstorm he wants, a shitstorm he'll get. FULL SPEED TL;DR BATTLE ARRAY ACTIVATE!
He's calling us out for hypocrisy for "[maintaining] a character's developmental disability-- only to have it be laughed at by a nationwide audience." Yeah no. No one is. Derpy is the most endearing character on the show, and although we do poke light fun of her clumsiness and slowness, we are not laughing at her directly. That's like the greatest compliment to mentally-deficient (sorry if that ain't the politically correct term) people ever- despite being different, she still manages to become the most important and celebrated character on the show.
And then the rest of the article is about LOL MORE HYPOCRISY R34 BIATCHES. "And this fact is celebrated. This actually occurs in our world, today, in the year 2012, online, and it is apparently an accepted part of the culture by many individuals." Yeah. It does happen. In ever fndsjfjslking fanbase in the fndsjfjslking world. He actually thinks bronies and R34 is an isolated case, and uses it against save derpy, even though they have nothing in common.
"there is bound to be some overlap in those who sexualize ponies such as Derpy, and those who wish to see Derpy's mental shortcomings "saved" on the program." Again, yeah, there are people like that. IT'S NOT LIMITED TO FNDSJFJSLKING BRONIES GOSHDARNIT TO HECK. In fact, I'd say the majority of bronies look down upon that sort of stuff. And why wouldn't we want to save her shortcomings?
I'll admit, bronies are overreacting, but derpy is already fndsjfjslking established within the show continuity as a clumsy pony. Must we change her for political correctness, as Johnny "DocEvil" Titanium so ineloquently states? Might as well uproot the whole of the children's show industry, take out all of the characters that are offensive, to conform to Johnny "DocEvil" Titanium's idealized portrait of a children's show.
And worst of all: "Please spread the awareness of the troubling nature of the #SaveDerpy campaign by clicking this link, which will use Twitter's functionality to tweet a link to this article."
Way to push your own agenda, sir DocEvil. Like anyone will support you. I'm sure there were some people on your side before, but I'm glad to say, you have safely converted them to the opposite side, in fear of being associated with such the likes of a human being as you.
TL;DR (imma start including one of these from now on): DocEvil from SomethingAwful works for Fox News, and instead of confronting the overreacting nature of the #savederpy movement, calls bronies out because he believes every fndsjfjslking one of us is a R34 fag. Then he tells people to spread his sensationalist message because he actually thinks anyone agrees with him.
I'm sorry. Verbose had convinced me that overreacting to the derpy change thing was stupid, but this guy has almost completely converted me back to the opposite viewpoint.
Then again:
Could it be, the elusive troll?