Anyone know of the best episode I could use to convert non-believers to bronies? I'm going to attempt to convert my entire university to bronies, and miserably fail at it. But hey, doesn't hurt to try, doesn't it?
Usually I hear "start from the first episode, they'll just keep watching, and watching." One problem though- the first episode was rather painful to watch. I mean, it was good, with the signature FiM plot development, bubbly characters, and over the top cuteness, but the plot seemed so dumbed down. I would have become a brony a week earlier if the first two episodes didn't leave a "meh, it's OK" mark on me.
The first episode that really got me into ponies was "May the Best Pet Win." Maybe it was Tank, maybe it was the pet song which I thought was genius at the time. All I know is, after that episode, I felt like Pinkie after the sonic rainboom.
What I'm asking is, "What is the gateway brony episode?" I doubt other people will be enamoured with "May the Best Pet Win" as much as I was, since I'm known for being a complete turtle/tortoise lover. It has to be one that's pretty easy to understand by non bronies, one that you can just click with right away.
I'm thinking of "Lesson Zero" or "Party of One."