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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

Twilitlord wrote:


You're missing what I said about the characterization I wanted. We don't have a terrible amount of strong backstory for Sombra, so I'd like some more personality. Nothing you pointed out gives him any sort of personality.

We know a lot about Big Mac. He's honest, hardworking, he's friends with Cheerilee and they've got a lot of stories, he's skilled at repairing things along with his obvious farming skills…

As for Sombra:

  • "Fucking evil"
  • Jack shit else

They had plenty of opportunity to give him some personality. Have him show up during the door scene and talk to Twi. Have Celestia give more backstory, better yet, Luna, since she seems to be worried about something. Give him more lines, I don't care if you had to cut some of the fair. As it is, I don't see what reasons he even has for conquering the Empire, as Celestia seems to suggest the spreading of dark magic and hate is merely a side effect.

He's literally the first character with a semi- or more important role with no characterization, and that bothers me.

I think trying to compare Sombra to Big Mac is inappropriate because they are two characters with fundamentally different roles in the show. Big Mac started off as a side character, his job was to help move the story along at parts, add a bit of humor with his stoicism and its occasional subversion, and just generally thicken the character roster a bit. Is his character well developed? Compared to the mane six or the CMC, no, but that's alright. Big Mac is beautifully developed to serve his role to the story, I don't need to know his life goals, quirks, and flaws in order to find it humorous when he decides to steal the smarty pants doll. He's like Boba Fett, not much of a character, but he really doesn't need one for us to think he's awesome. In fact, part of what makes him cool is that he's a little mysterious, that we don't know everything that's going on there.

Sombra is a different beast entirely. Sombra is the villain whose job it is to be in conflict with the protagonists. Without conflict, there is no drama, and without drama, there is no story. Now in a character story like mlp 9 times out of 10, the conflict is going to come out of personalities clashing. Villains like Trixie, Gilda, and Diamond Tiara need personalities because the drama stems from their personalities clashing with our protagonists'. With Sombra however, the conflict doesn't stem from his personality, but from his mere presence. He's more like the Windigos, an anthropomorphised (equineomorphised?) representation of a more abstract concept which is the real threat. The story would have been just as functional if you replaced Sombra with a non-sentient dark cloud of evil that is threatening the crystal empire.

This isn't a story of 'Twilight Sparkle vs. Sombra' but a story of 'Twilight Sparkle vs. Twilight Sparkle.', with the physical threat provided by Sombra serving merely as the catalyst that allows her to explore herself and overcome her shortcomings. Coming off the heels of such great villains as NMM, Discord, and Chrysalys, it would have been nice to have a villain with an equally colorful personality, but it wasn't neccesary to the story.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 10:35AM EST

I know we've all had enough of mentioning the Gak thing, but…

If there's anything to be learned from all this, is that one does not put on a but load of commercials for the one product during the season premier of a beloved show… Unless you are angling to get your product made fun of for the rest of eternity for being annoying.

Why the Flinstones cereal commercials that also played often during those breaks weren't also made fun of, I'll never know.

Last time this happened was Magneighto.

Now it's Gak.




There it is, at last. I thought it would take much longer, but I guess I'm a fast writer.

It's kinda long, so sit down and read.

(PS: If you go TL;DR on it, the universe shall collapse and evil giant radioactive monkeys will destroy the human race)


1 = Okay, I hope I don't start any flame wars, but I really think that Derpy Hooves is, by far, dead for the show.

Don't worry, I'll explain why I think this:


2 = Did you guys notice that, since Derpy got censored, she is getting exponentially harder to find in every new episode? Just think about it; go see the older episodes and see how well hidden she is getting.

She is not Derpy Hooves anymore, she became a grey dot with a bit of yellow on it! Of course, she appeared about 5 times on the season 2 finale, but was that easy to find out? No, it took about 3 days (I counted it, I was there) to find the other 4 appearances.


3 = And now, with that one from the season 3 premiere, where they hid her behind a pony behind the HUB logo… SERIOUSLY?! You couldn't hide her any better unless if you didn't even put her in the episode at all! Even, still, I'm starting to think that it might not even be her: no wings or cutie mark, it could be just another grey pony with yellow mane.

Remember when Hasbro said that they would only keep her in background shots? I didn't actually know what that meant, until I saw how extremely hard to find she is now! The "background shots", in case you didn't know either, it means that she just became a pony version of Waldo. Differently from what she was BEFORE the incident, where she appeared and did some things, and sometimes even interacted with main characters.


4 = If you didn't understand what my point is, let me explain in the most obvious way possible:


She will just keep getting harder to find, until the day she vanishes completely and we don't even get to notice that. It started when she got censored, it's getting to it's climax right now, and she will be done for, by my expectations, before season 3 even ends.


5 = Now, changing the pace, I also want to say something else:

The French version of The Last Roundup is NOT censored.

This is quite a paradox. How exactly is the French version not censored? Why only the US has the censored version?

For me, this rises suspicions and confusion; if France is not complaining about Derpy, then why did the US?


6 = After going around the Internet for quite some time, I'd like to add this too:

Do you remember the words "Love and Tolerance"? Good method to get rid of trolls, right?

Now, did you notice that, all of a sudden, every single brony just forgot about it RIGHT AFTER Derpy got censored?

You guys lost your temper when you lost your greatest achievement. None of us remember to "love and tolerate" the evil trolls and haters that attack us anymore. All of that because we lost our Derpy.

Her loss made us more susceptible to flame wars and hatred than anything else.


7 = Also, it's quite a coincidence that Hasbro started to make Derpy toys RIGHT AFTER they censored her.

From my point of view, they are pulling off a marketing trick on us. They destroyed Derpy and are using this event to get more money from us.

And making all the Derpy toys the "valuable and rare ones" just gives me even more suspicions.


8 = One day, I remembered how much you guys did to try to get her back. You even tried petitions.

But you know what? I think none of you tried hard enough.

After Amy Keating gave you that letter, you just randomly stopped supporting Derpy. Of course her removal had a reason, but there is only one thing that I don't understand:

Is it really impossible to put her back in the show without it causing more problems?

Almost every cartoon nowadays, if not EVERY SINGLE ONE INDEED, has at least one character that is considered to be "similar to Derpy in some way". And none of them ever had problems with said characters.

So, what is the problem with Derpy? Why can't they put her back in the show AND please everyone that watches it? I'd say it's laziness, but that would just start another flame war, and I'm trying to avoid this from happening as much as possible.


9 = So, to sum up everything, I just lost all my hopes on Derpy, and I believe that everything will get much worse. Maybe even other fan characters will be removed, who knows…


There. That is all.

I'll be here for a moment to explain some things.

(Please don't kill me)

(Last words: I MIGHT edit this later on; I'll give myself 1 hour for any edits before not editing anything at all.)

(Removed some of the dots to decrease length)
(Paragraphs numbered for convenience)

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 12:22PM EST


That is…A depressing thought.

Maybe we should try again then? Hope lingers, but if you're right and we have reason to fear, we may be called to action. I'd rather not see our fandom's mascot be… Erased a second time.

Oh, the Derpy issue again… Oh boy
All I have to say about that is that there is a good amount of stuff that was made after the incident that, if it was really something Hasbro wanted to root out completely, would not have happened. She was a SDCC toy, one of the vinyl figures, showed up in Celestia's Cutie Mark for some promo material, and showed up on the cloud of a shot that was with the mane six on a book cover as well (Not to mention the two upcoming comic covers with her front and center). All of this was stuff that was made after the incident, or still earlier enough that they could easily had changed stuff to keep her out. I don't know what the official status of her show wise is, but if they wanted to get rid of her completely, they certainly are doing a bad job of it…
Edit: I guess I didn't read the original post through as much as i thought I did. For the Amy Keating letter, it was more of seeing a faceless corporate group doing stuff, and then realizing that, in fact, there really are real people who had to make a tough call, and knew that, no matter what it was, people would get upset. As for her still showing up, its too early to make predictions. She showed up about 4-5 times in the royal wedding if you actually look. Despite the newest episode not being in Ponyville, there was a Derpy sighting (though you can hardly make her out). We have not seen any more of season three yet outside of the promos, so we cannot say any thing about it at this point.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 12:21PM EST

Jill wrote:

Oh, the Derpy issue again… Oh boy
All I have to say about that is that there is a good amount of stuff that was made after the incident that, if it was really something Hasbro wanted to root out completely, would not have happened. She was a SDCC toy, one of the vinyl figures, showed up in Celestia's Cutie Mark for some promo material, and showed up on the cloud of a shot that was with the mane six on a book cover as well (Not to mention the two upcoming comic covers with her front and center). All of this was stuff that was made after the incident, or still earlier enough that they could easily had changed stuff to keep her out. I don't know what the official status of her show wise is, but if they wanted to get rid of her completely, they certainly are doing a bad job of it…
Edit: I guess I didn't read the original post through as much as i thought I did. For the Amy Keating letter, it was more of seeing a faceless corporate group doing stuff, and then realizing that, in fact, there really are real people who had to make a tough call, and knew that, no matter what it was, people would get upset. As for her still showing up, its too early to make predictions. She showed up about 4-5 times in the royal wedding if you actually look. Despite the newest episode not being in Ponyville, there was a Derpy sighting (though you can hardly make her out). We have not seen any more of season three yet outside of the promos, so we cannot say any thing about it at this point.

From what I think it's happening, they just didn't remove her completely because they are trying to pull off a marketing trick on us.

I said something about it on part 7 of my massive post.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 12:24PM EST

Actually, we've talked about love and tolerance before. The thing is, it never really existed in the first place. It was a joke by the original /co/ bronies and bronies afterwards took it seriously. What love and tolerance we had is kind of dead anyways, the idea of love and tolerance has morphed into a form of Wheaton's Law (don't be a dick) in my opinion. And I still think the Last Roundup incident was handled in accordance with Wheaton's law.

I would explain better, but I have a test in like eight minutes, gotta go.

Twilitlord wrote:

Actually, we've talked about love and tolerance before. The thing is, it never really existed in the first place. It was a joke by the original /co/ bronies and bronies afterwards took it seriously. What love and tolerance we had is kind of dead anyways, the idea of love and tolerance has morphed into a form of Wheaton's Law (don't be a dick) in my opinion. And I still think the Last Roundup incident was handled in accordance with Wheaton's law.

I would explain better, but I have a test in like eight minutes, gotta go.

Oh. Good to know…

But still, that doesn't change the fact that we became more angered with trolls and haters after the incident.

I remember some of you even giving names of possible people who sent the letters to Hasbro.

Twilitlord wrote:

Actually, we've talked about love and tolerance before. The thing is, it never really existed in the first place. It was a joke by the original /co/ bronies and bronies afterwards took it seriously. What love and tolerance we had is kind of dead anyways, the idea of love and tolerance has morphed into a form of Wheaton's Law (don't be a dick) in my opinion. And I still think the Last Roundup incident was handled in accordance with Wheaton's law.

I would explain better, but I have a test in like eight minutes, gotta go.

Good luck with that test…

I hope it's not as dangerous a test as Twilight got.

living cringe wrote:

Oh. Good to know…

But still, that doesn't change the fact that we became more angered with trolls and haters after the incident.

I remember some of you even giving names of possible people who sent the letters to Hasbro.

Well, I doubt that the fandom's tolerance was killed by the incident, more like the fandom was in an irritable state.

Once the incident was… Toned down. Things probably returned to normal.

Think of it in a life compareable situation: say you've had a bad day, nothing's gone your way. Then someone insults you. Imagine your reaction. It probably wouldn't be positive.

Now imagine a good day, where things go right forthe most part. Say someone insults you then. You might not be quite as angered as otherwise, and you go about your day, and then come home and unwind… Maybe watch a show and forget all about it.

What these point to is not that we've gotten worse, but rather the blow to our egos back then would have put us in "alert mode", which is usually temporary. So we're probably not as bad with the trolls and what not as we were on that day.

Ah, the Derpy issue

We have long dismissed that claim

Though, MisterDude does have a point. Perhaps for now, they decided to keep her as a background character.

However, this could just be a show thing. Midtown comics apparently has different plans for Derpy:

Derped eyes, muffins, everything…that's the fandom's Derpy unless otherwise stated.

I would say panic mode should remain off for now. Just waiting and seeing is all we can say. And even if it's "Ditzy" officially due to Hasbro's concerns, it'll always be "Derpy" to the fandom.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 12:47PM EST


Well, that makes sense.


The comic is not even official. We shouldn't just stare at it and say she's safe.

Or maybe the comic IS official. I don't actually know that. But even if it is, it's part of Hasbro's hypothetical marketing trick, mentioned on part 7 of my massive post.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 12:51PM EST

Back. Test went well, by the way. Pretty short, 50 multiple choice questions (That's short for me).

@Crystal Ponies

Anyone else notice this?

>Mares' hair gets all fancy
>Shining Armor just gets shiny

Misterdude wrote:

Okay, I hope I don’t start any flame wars, but I really think that Derpy Hooves is, by far, dead for the show.

Derpy was never "alive" for the show. She's an animation error given birth through the fandom, a lot of fandom associations (mailmare, mother of 2, married) were given by the fans. The only thing Hasbro did was make her appear a few times and speak once. All the fandom associations were never mentioned in the canon.

Derpy is a fanon pony, not canon, and that's what she will stay.

Derpy got censored.
Derpy got censored.
Derpy got censored.

She did not get censored (well, she was, but not in the way I approach it), that's a butthurt claim made up by butthurt bronies. The background behind Derpy's voice was incorrect, as she was accidentally given a male voice, the new voice was actually female. Sure, you can bring up the fact that it was changed to begin with, but the reasons behind that were legit.

Besides, give me one fandom animation in which Derpy uses either her "old" or "new" voice, as all those are fanon voice actors and thus not match the canon voice.

Not to forget that all the merchandise created of her did use the correct eyes and everything.

And now, with that one from the season 3 premiere, where they hid her behind a pony behind the HUB logo… SERIOUSLY?! You couldn’t hide her any better unless if you didn’t even put her in the episode at all!

I don't really consider that an issue. It's the first episode, come back at the end of the season.

For me, this rises suspicions and confusion; if France is not complaining about Derpy, then why did the US?

Laws may vary, you cannot be certain about that. Plus not to forget that the French version used a French voice, a female one that was most likely correct from the beginning. The reason for the change in the US version was voice+eyes. France only had the eyes, something that doesn't deliver quite an impact as both combined to those offended by it.

Plus the US is just butthurt about everything.

You guys lost your temper when you lost your greatest achievement. None of us remember to “love and tolerate” the evil trolls and haters that attack us anymore. All of that because we lost our Derpy.

Even you should know that those two have nothing in common. We already had previous shitstorms about minor stuff, like with the Mare Do Well not being Trixie (shittiest reason for being butthurt ever). You should know that Derpy and losing the "love and tolerate" have nothing in common with each other.

"Love and Tolerate" was also never a must to follow. It was a guideline, to make fans feel save in the old days and make the fandom appear welcoming. But the fandom has grown, and that simply includes more bronies who quickly lose their temper. But they're still a minimal amount, and I rather not wish to be associated with them.

From my point of view, they are pulling off a marketing trick on us. They destroyed Derpy and are using this event to get more money from us.

If Hasbro wanted, they could easily get the monopoly on pony merchandise. They have the rights to do so. It's only a few months now that they're actually getting into the plush market, and not even with quality accurate plushies. They've allowed so much fanon merchandise, cut them some slack.

I rather look at the recent Derpy toys to make up for the change. Hasbro admitted they not liked to change Derpy in the episode, but it was simply for the better. So instead of giving Derpy a thumbs up through canon now, they do it through merchandise, where complaints about the canon can't reach them and voices aren't needed.

One day, I remembered how much you guys did to try to get her back. You even tried petitions.

But you know what? I think none of you tried hard enough.

Fuck that, they tried way too hard. I never asked for petitions. I didn't mind her change, same for others, the reasons were legit. But of course, some bronies just couldn't let it go and had to go full force: Petitions, attack Hasbro, shitty reasons about worried moms, the lot.

If instead of going full assault, those petition and everything else bronies decided to calm down and tried to be rational, the Derpy incident wouldn't go down in brony history as bad as it is now. They are their own worst enemy.

Different voice =/= End of the fucking world.

Maybe even other fan characters will be removed, who knows…

What other fan characters? All background ponies that were given a story through fanon are still the same in the show: Background ponies. Nothing has ever changed.

Derpy was simply never needed in the show to begin with. She's completely fanon. If Hasbro never used her again after the initial error, none of this would have ever happened. But Hasbro loves the brony fandom, so they're simply cool enough to give us nods in the show. Isn't that enough to ask for?

Just be happy we actually got a canon Derpy, instead of complaining about the backlash it caused. The fandom went crazy when the original scene first aired, I don't see why that should change afterwards. Why only exploit the negative factors associated with Derpy, if you can look at all the positive things we got from her?

Related: Pony.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 01:30PM EST


First off, welcome to the thread.


Third, as of the writing of this sentence that I'm typing right at this instant, you have three minutes to edit your post. There's a 30 minute limit before you cannot edit or delete your post.

Maybe some of the current users haven't discussed this at length or ad nauseum, so perhaps you can bring some new viewpoints to the discussion (I highly doubt that, only because we beat that horse into three different realms of dead.) But I have.

The above is the moderate stance I once took. Once I heard people's responses to later events, I said she should be nixed from the show altogether (if you think your post is long…)

Coily and PopperFett (and a couple of others) can also help fill you in on the matter.

I'll keep it brief. Won't even try to explain myself.

  • Harder to find in the show.
    • Look for appearances in this section. She was more absent in the last part of Season 1 than Season 2. She's been seen in Season 3, and we're only two episodes deep.
    • She's a background character, and she's a fan character. You may be missing the best parts of the show if you're sweating Derpy, I'm sorry to say. She's not dead, she won't be dead, and she's still alive in the fandom where I think she can thrive best anyway.
  • France having an uncensored Derpy
    • France is not the US.
    • They probably had a voice that wasn't so…Derpy.
  • Trolls
    • "Love and tolerance" was partially a joke. You're probably looking at an illusory correlation (you're seeing a relationship that isn't really there.) Fandoms always get this way. Broneis (what typo?) aren't special in that regard. It was only a matter of time. Any controversial event would have done that.
      • >2012
      • >Acknowledging trolls in the first place.
      • Even Derpy shiggies her diggy.
  • Hasbro and Derpy toys
    • I could raeg about someone complaining that Hasbro is making Derpy toys, but I'll just say that the Derpy fiasco just made Hasbro aware of how much the fandom loves Derpy and (with other evidence like with DVD sales, especially the Season 1 set which probably didn't have the target demographic in mind) wanted to cash in.
    • Hasbro is a money-making entity, and it is very good at it. I would expect them to cash in on anything.
    • And considering how lax they are about episodes on YouTube and fan-made works that are sold (at massive conventions, no less), I'd say that saying "They're trying to "trick" us" is more of a travesty than them trying to do what they're supposed to do: make money.
  • Trying "harder" to bring Derpy back
    • Heh.
    • I separate that, because another guy had a whole website devoted to that. Again, Popperfett may still know the guy, but…I can't find him with a brief forum search.
    • His logic was…um…interesting (and somewhat easy to counter.)

I think the main thing is that I don't think Derpy is dead, and that no one should sweat the fact that she's not omnipresent in the show. Friendship is Magic is Friendship is Magic, with or without Derpy. And Derpy Hooves is Derpy Hooves even without her being in the show.

Even in the "worst" case scenario, it's all impractical discussion. It just makes people mad, and nothing's going to happen (except for some awkward and overzealous bronies getting Hasbro really mad with us.)
"You don't like how we're running the show? TIEMS FOR A GENERATION 3.5 REDUX."

Don't forget that Hasbro will likely still make its millions off of MLP without bronies. They get more money with us, but no one gets fired, because the bronies are angry. Heck, they'd probably be amused over the fact that we got angry over a background character.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 01:11PM EST

Serious Business wrote:

Okay, this is what I think about the way this fandom is going.

Listen, guys.




I kept thinking crystal rainbow dash didn't have the right hair. But it's growing on me. It's kinda like a smooth Scootaloo.

The tied up bit at the back I'll only give a pass for the fact the kingdom's residents are practically Norse/Gaelic/Viking-Braids-and-stuff in aesthetic, so having just the one tie up would be considered "messy" for them.

Yeah… The Vikings cared a lot for their hair for some reason. Don't know why.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 01:22PM EST

living cringe wrote:


Well, that makes sense.


The comic is not even official. We shouldn't just stare at it and say she's safe.

Or maybe the comic IS official. I don't actually know that. But even if it is, it's part of Hasbro's hypothetical marketing trick, mentioned on part 7 of my massive post.

The comic is official, and they are trying to make it as close to canon to the show as possible, although they will have separate stories. I am curious as to how they will juggle two different stories like that. If Derpy is actually an important character to the story, or just on the covers because she is a fan favorite has yet to be seen.

So just out of interest, since I'm highly fluent in French (as in living in francophone countries for seven years fluent), I went to check out The Last Roundup in French just now. Interesting fact: in French, it's simply called Les Rubans Bleus (The Blue Ribbons).

Back on topic, she is actually slightly censored. The animation is the post-censor, no-derp eyes (but that may just be because that's the version that they got for dubbing). Her voice is not what I would qualify as retarded-sounding, either. Rainbow Dash does call her Derpy, but that doesn't have any special meaning in French, so that's not really a good point. Just some info for you non-french speakers.

Side note- Rainbow Dash is straight up called "Rainbow Dash" but with a French accent. I nearly split my sides. Take a look at 2:06. The whole scene starts about 15 seconds earlier if you're interested.

Now I want to watch the series again in French…

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 01:22PM EST

Okay, here are my two bits about the season 3 opener. For a change I won't talk about the villain at all.

First of all this two parter feels even more rushed than all the previous ones. I mean the chrystal empire, dark magic, the villain…there was a lot of new stuff to be told and unfortunately the dialogue was cut short in order to accomodate all the action.

Now coming to a couple of things I enjoyed:
- It was really nice to see that AJ received more lines and not only some "voice of reason" lines, but also some clever,witty ones. And giving her the task, where she basically needs to lie all the time was ehem fitting. Rarity was in her element as well and Spike got some time in the spotlight. It was actually an episode for the more underrepresented characters.

- The door scene was epic and an awesome idea. I just wished that it would have been a bit longer and Twilight's dream/vision a bit more subtle in the beginning, the twist was reveiled too early. Argh you could fill a whole episode with such a door plotline, but it could have been too dark for a kid's show easily.

- Animation, lightning and even the backgroundmusic were improved and taken to a new level. The design of the chrystal empire was nice as well! The songs didn't really work this time and acted more as some kind of ballast that took away far too much screentime.

So coming to stuff that bugged me:
- I didn't like the "test" framework. It just felt a bit weird, well I know Twilight does have her antics and can go crazy over a friendship report, but I think she should be able to see the danger when she is in precipice of real disaster. Somehow it seemed that she never really understood the threat and took it all for a simpel test. I think Twilight going crazy works better for a single episode, this time it felt a bit too egocentric.

- Twilight becoming too powerful. She is leveling up, learning dark magic, self levitation and gravity reversing, whereas her ponyville friends just stay on a constant level. I see a certain shift from friendship to magic, perhaps the good old power of friendship becomes obsolete in the near future and Twilight rocks everything as an alicorn. (Worst thing possible, because end of show)

- Dash being super aggressive and Fluttershy being yellowquiet. These two characters didn't have the best of time in the opener…

It was an enjoyable episode, even though it is the weakest of all the two parters for me. Nonetheless I am happy that pony has finally returned. Yes the thread title makes sense!

There is so much foreshadowing, pehaps we will see a bit more continuity and even a backbone story. Argh now I am damn excited to see Twilight messing around with that dark magic, hm it could corrupt her, perhaps her friends are still needed to bring her down….

Or she needs some sister toss from Shining Armor.

(…and squish and squash)

@Comic canon-ness

Quoting Andy Price, "Yes, these are original stories, not adaptations of existing episodes… As to whether or not this will be "canon", I guess in many ways that's up to what the reader decides!"

Y'hear that, guys?! We get to have a fanon interpretation of what is canon!


There comes a point where this needs to stop, and we've clearly passed it. We passed it, like, months ago. As for her not being in the first episode, well, yeah. I don't recall a single background pony at the beginning. If there were any, there weren't many, and all the background ponies for the rest of the episode were Crystal ponies. Derpy is not Crystal pony. Derpy is normal Equestrian Pegasus. Derpy will not be in the Crystal Empire.

WhitishCollar said the often said "Alicorn Twi ends show" line…

And I suddenly had an idea…

What if rather than ending the show when she becomes Alicorn, she becomes a mentor to the remaining five, taking up a similar role as Celestia to her.

… What? A guy can dream right?

I mean, wouldn't it be nice to see Twi trying to teach Dash some important lesson for when Dash ascends, and Dash gets impatient and tries to figure it out on her own… Or maybe just ask for the abridged version from Twi.

For me, the show isn't over until all six have ascended, and they spend an entire season afterwards using those powers on something… Big.

And hey, maybe not even then. As then they might go and focus on the CMC being trained under the mane 6 to be the next generation of heroes.


What I'm trying to say is that there's always a plan B. Or a Plan A that looks like a plan B. Or maybe just a regular contingency plan for after the end.

Okay, too long. Here's two words.



I probably worried about it a little too much, but I guess I wasn't quite panicking either. I really do trust that the show will be entertaining. Whichever way DHX decides to go about it will be a well-received canon, I'm sure.

Also, I found this to be appropriate and lulzy.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:01PM EST

@Derpy thing
Not meaning any offense whatsoever, but… no.

First off, she has not been getting harder to find as the show went on.
She was all over the place in Hurricane Fluttershy in very obvious ways:

And she was hanging out center-screen in the season two finale:

New episode:

Yes, she doesn't appear in every episode, but she never has.
The fact that she was very difficult to find in the new shows makes perfect sense.
They were in a different country where all of the ponies had different looks and color schemes from our normal cast of backgrounders.
Had they just thrown her in there, she would stand out like a sore thumb and look pretty ridiclous and out-of-place.
The fact that they still chose to include her speaks to how much they want to use her, even when it doesn't make much sense.
This is a good thing in terms of keeping her 'alive.'

As others have said, France is not the U.S.
The primary issue in the states was that 'derp' was (maybe falsely) associated with mental retardation.
In another language, that stigma likely doesn't exist.
Suppose I decided to call her 'Flooglebarg.'
Means nothing in English but it could be some enormous insult in some other language.
No one here is going to care, but you can bet the other place would be bothered.
Moot point.

'Love and Tolerance' conversation has been covered.
I'll just say that I always liked the idea, even when separated from pony entirely, but watching a TV show is not some kind of religious commitment.
While I would always like to see people treat each other better, MLP is not nor has it ever been a kind of cure-all.

For Derpy merchandise, there is a very specific reason why it is so 'exclusive.'
Frankly, little girls (the target audience) don't care.
Derpy means nothing to them because she isn't one of the main characters so flooding the market with Derpy toys just wouldn't make much sense.
As big as we are, bronies are still a minority so the merchandise tailored to us will always be more specialized.
Even then, we still have a ton of official Derpy merch: Comic Con Derpy, Enterplay Promo Trading Cards, Hot Topic Vinyl Figures, promotional posters, coloring books, comic books (yes, those covers have to be approved), and more to come most likely.
Derpy is not going anywhere.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:07PM EST


A wild Berry Punch appeared during the jousting scene

But I didn't see anyone else, though. What part of the episode did it look like Derpy was hiding behind the hub logo? I completely missed that lol.

Edit: Oh snap, thanks parrot.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:11PM EST

Heh, Derpy doesn't look so hidden there.

What I'm worried about is that the Timelord Crystal Pony next to her is both hidden by the Logo, AND not our ussual Doctor.

Edit: Although if you look a little over, you can see some pony that looks kinda like the Doctor. Along with a couple of regular ponies. I wonder if they know the Doctor too.

Also, on the left section of the screen is a blond crystal pony that looks like a Twilight Sparkle wannabe. (I must know what cutie mark she has! I can't see it!)

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:32PM EST



I just really don't get it anymore…

I'm starting to think that everything would be much better if Derpy didn't exist, then.
Since she just became a sad topic to discuss.

I'm sorry for bringing that up again.

I think I'm done here. Bye.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:25PM EST

Hey man, we're not trying to shoot down your idea. You just posted it in a board that loves to debate. We don't want to scare you away or anything.

And guys saying Derpy was in the jousting scene, that's not Derpy. Period. You can't see any wing, and even with that line of sight, you should be able to. Conclusion: it's a crystal pony made using DHX Generic-Pony-o-Tron 5000, just like Derpy originally was, too. It just happens that she has the same design, just like countless ponies in the first half of season 1.

Twilitlord wrote:

Hey man, we're not trying to shoot down your idea. You just posted it in a board that loves to debate. We don't want to scare you away or anything.

And guys saying Derpy was in the jousting scene, that's not Derpy. Period. You can't see any wing, and even with that line of sight, you should be able to. Conclusion: it's a crystal pony made using DHX Generic-Pony-o-Tron 5000, just like Derpy originally was, too. It just happens that she has the same design, just like countless ponies in the first half of season 1.

Oh well… We've still got the Blond Crystal Twilight Pony over on the left side of the pic.

…One of the few Crystal ponies that don't have the Gaelic designs for hair.

Edit: Also, The pony in the corner doesn't have the bubbles on the Flank. Just noticed.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 02:54PM EST

living cringe wrote:



I just really don't get it anymore…

I'm starting to think that everything would be much better if Derpy didn't exist, then.
Since she just became a sad topic to discuss.

I'm sorry for bringing that up again.

I think I'm done here. Bye.

As I stated: why remember her with all the negative associations, if you can also remember her by the positive things? Just be happy we got Derpy canon, a great accomplishment, and simply don't bother with the aftermath. What do you rather see her as: The fanon pony we all love, or the 2-voices shitstorm? I think the answer is obvious.

(Pinkie is still best pony before Derpy)
Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 03:28PM EST

ExudesAffluence wrote:

@Comic canon-ness

Quoting Andy Price, "Yes, these are original stories, not adaptations of existing episodes… As to whether or not this will be "canon", I guess in many ways that's up to what the reader decides!"

Y'hear that, guys?! We get to have a fanon interpretation of what is canon!


There comes a point where this needs to stop, and we've clearly passed it. We passed it, like, months ago. As for her not being in the first episode, well, yeah. I don't recall a single background pony at the beginning. If there were any, there weren't many, and all the background ponies for the rest of the episode were Crystal ponies. Derpy is not Crystal pony. Derpy is normal Equestrian Pegasus. Derpy will not be in the Crystal Empire.

No, there is "no point where this needs to stop" and we have not passed such a hypothetical point.

I'm willing to discuss Derpy 1000 times over if needed, even if to just re-iterate my point.

Just because we've discussed it does not mean we can't share our past views with new members who come in fresh. I'm not gonna make them read through 5 200-page threads to figure out what we think about Derpy or whatever other issue we were talking about.


Hey I think I remember you. Were you the guy I invited to discuss Derpy in the last PG thread which lead to Popperfett showing up? Or am I thinking of another "mister"?

Either way it surprises me that you would still worry about such a thing. Like every other time people lamented the "horrible, horrible fate of Derpy" you seem to be taking things more critically than they actually are.

I just really don’t get it anymore…

Get this: Derpy is not a tragedy because that would imply we lost her. But she's still here in the fandom, playing a huge role in many sub-memes. Her presence in the show matters not. It never has any more than the presence of Lyra, Vinyl or Octavia has mattered.

She's a background pony in the show so if she gets used in the show or not: it means nothing. Everything else about her comes down to us and how we use her. We can use her to stand for trivial bullshit or we can use her as a fun element to employ in creativity. We choose the latter

I’m starting to think that everything would be much better if Derpy didn’t exist, then.
Since she just became a sad topic to discuss.

Only if you hold that attitude. If you keep thinking like that, then yea, we would be better off without her. She's not worth all this fucking misery.

So just stop being miserable over her. Derpy is fine. Don't worry about her

Look how happy she is. She's not upset over that fiasco or anything. It's all good in the hood.

I’m sorry for bringing that up again.
I think I’m done here. Bye.

Welp, cya. We're not asking you to leave but we won't stop you, I just hope you took our words into consideration.


I think now is a good time for someone to start naming all the crystal ponies that have showed up so far

Especially that Blonde Maned, Pale Green Bodied Twilight Sparkle Look-Alike I keep mentioning but nobody has openly acknowledged yet. (left side of picture of jousting scene)

Not to mention the other designs:
-Blue body, Purple mane
-Purple body, Blonde Mane
-Deeper Green Body, Blond Mane (Is that an hourglass cutie mark?)
-Yellow Boddy, Rose Mane
-Pink Body, Purpley Grey Mane.
-The Librarian.

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 04:28PM EST

Okay, I apologize for my earlier depressing moment. I was in a really bad mood lately.
But I'm feeling better now.

Maybe getting worried like that won't help me, indeed.

Actually, I don't even get why I'm worried about that, since I don't even watch the show (I came here for the fan-art, seriously). I think I had overreacted too much.

But anyway, I said what I had to say, and now I don't have anything to say anymore.

I'll probably be back here if I ever get anything else to say. If I do, though, I rather say something positive and happy instead.


Oh, and also, I've been thinking on doing something. Though I don't think it'll be suitable to talk about it here, since it doesn't contain enough pony.

I guess you better wait for it!
(Insert evil laugh here)

Or ask me what it is, that would work too. (No, I'm not going to take over the world. Who would even think on such thing?)

(PS: If you want to know it, please understand that I'm only going to post it tomorrow. Gotta sleep fast!!)

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 07:24PM EST


Positiveness. That's more like it. I like to think this fandom is about not stressing over shit and just having fun with childish nonsense, it would be great to have more people reinforce that (not many do)

Oh, and also, I’ve been thinking on doing something. Though I don’t think it’ll be suitable to talk about it here, since it doesn’t contain enough pony.

You're just dying to tell us what it is. Go ahead and tell us ;)

It's okay if it doesn't involve ponies, half this thread isn't pony related anyway.

Just post fanart afterwards like most people do.


(D'awww so cute)

Last edited Nov 12, 2012 at 08:03PM EST

Le Realize…

Gak is the new word for spam among Pony.

Think about that.

-And now to distract you from that line of thought with some random pony thing I just found.

I'm assuming that the word "Pone-Wolf" would be the most technically accurate description of pony lycanthropy. And "Were-Pony", which invokes humans, is just Silly.

Ashki wrote:

@Derpy issue: I'll say this. I'm still disappointed at how Hasbro reacted concerning the character, particularly when the positive reactions outweighed the negative.

Hasbro's reaction, as RandomMan said, was completely understandable. Like it or not, the little kids that watch this show and the parents that care about what their kids watch are more important than bronies. If parents stopped letting their 5 year olds watch this show because they thought Derpy's character was offensive to the mentally handicapped then it's Hasbro's responsibility to change that.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Hasbro's reaction, as RandomMan said, was completely understandable. Like it or not, the little kids that watch this show and the parents that care about what their kids watch are more important than bronies. If parents stopped letting their 5 year olds watch this show because they thought Derpy's character was offensive to the mentally handicapped then it's Hasbro's responsibility to change that.

Bah, I still think it was a bad reaction.

Crimson Locks wrote:

May have been a "bad" reaction, I certainly wasn't happy with it, but it was still a smart one. Keep in mind I am vehemently against censorship, but sometimes you just can't win.

Not to me it wasn't, and sadly, when Season 2 comes out on DVD, I'll have to pass that episode up cause the editing completely ruins it.

No, Derpy can't die. We're not going to have a bunch of teabagger soccer moms stop the Bronies. Hasbro, if you kill Derpy, then I will kill everyone of you.

chowzburgerz wrote:

No, Derpy can't die. We're not going to have a bunch of teabagger soccer moms stop the Bronies. Hasbro, if you kill Derpy, then I will kill everyone of you.

This is the exact reaction not to have.

chowzburgerz wrote:

No, Derpy can't die. We're not going to have a bunch of teabagger soccer moms stop the Bronies. Hasbro, if you kill Derpy, then I will kill everyone of you.

Geez. Derpy is a fan creation. She was fine when she wasn't canon, so why is she "dead?" Even if her very existence hinged on her canonization (Saint Derpy), once canon, always canon, as far as I'm concerned, as long as new canon does not directly contradict old canon. Her voice changed, yes, but that was definitely for the better. Her eyes were slightly un-derped? So what? They're back again in later episodes. Many, many times.

Just accept your fandom mascot for what she is. A fandom mascot. A slightly skewy-eyed, adorable fandom mascot. Though I admit we tend to go a little overboard on the muffins.

I'm sorry to break up this… erm… enthralling conversation, but if I could have your attention.


EDIT: lol, page 100 get! Perfect timing I guess.

Last edited Nov 13, 2012 at 12:29AM EST

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