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Borderlands General 2: Return To Pandora

Last posted Oct 16, 2012 at 03:54AM EDT. Added Sep 23, 2012 at 06:16PM EDT
29 posts from 13 users

Borderlands 2 came out recently, so I've decided to reopen general discussion of this series.

Feel free to post cool weapons you've found, big things you've killed, strategies, help with world navigation, etc. etc.

I got a level 39 Commando. Primarily survival.
I work fast or I just got no life or it has something due to the fact I have a habit of concentrating on one game at a time.

But how ever I did manage to pick this up in a crate right before going into the next area that had the final boss in the first playthrough.

Im going to save it if I want to do the Assassin class.

Been playing through the first game to ready myself for the sequel. Remembered I hadn't yet played "Robolution", so I figured it'd be a good idea to get through that before playing 2.

Bit of a progress report: Currently in Krom's Canyon, hunting down Reaver for the time being. However, I'm not leaving the canyon until I've found all the cans of skag meat and Krom's Eridian Artifact.

If you want to join me, look up "op3nr04dr4c3r" on PSN. Playing as Roland, level 28, Support Gunner COM with + 9 Ammo Regen, +2 each to Impact, Barrage and Stockpile ( + 3 to one of those, don't recall which at the moment). Just note that I do not have a working headset.

Last edited Sep 25, 2012 at 08:57PM EDT

Got my Gunzerker to level 41. Holy cow is he an addicting character. He wasn't very appealing to me in the beginning but now that I have a full rampage skill tree, he is a BEAST and is the definition of manning up when it comes to fights. I'm also putting my final points into Brawn so that I can stay as tanky as possible while duel wielding my shotty and explosive machine gun. I'd get a screenshot but I cant atm

I am now level 45 and about to be level 46. Almost reached the level cap.

My Commando can now not only deploy two turrets but now has a rocket volley of 22 each per turret. It's amazing they killed off a level four Goliath, which is one up from a super bad ass Goliath, they kill EVERYTHING!

Not only that but look at this purple rocket launcher.

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

I am now level 45 and about to be level 46. Almost reached the level cap.

My Commando can now not only deploy two turrets but now has a rocket volley of 22 each per turret. It's amazing they killed off a level four Goliath, which is one up from a super bad ass Goliath, they kill EVERYTHING!

Not only that but look at this purple rocket launcher.

hopy shit

I'm a level 20 or 21 Gunzerker. I haven't had a chance to play a lot due to school work. I spend half my time in Borderlands 2 at the slots trying to get more Eridium. I'm going to be investing most all my points into Brawn until I get to the "Come at me Bro" skill at the very end. Then I might work my way towards the middle of the Rampage tree. Also, I have a love for any Torgue assault rifle. I've been trying to get the "KerBlaster" off of Warmong at the Southern Shelf. Any good ideas on how to go about doing that? Oh yeah, and if you have Borderlands 2 on Xbox 360, my gamertag is OG Toxin. (Why the hell did I pick that stupid name in the first place?) I also have a mic if you were wondering.

I have been waiting for this thread.

Currently playing two characters on an Xbox I don't own (PS3's busted for the time being); both are Commandos. One is Level 19 single-player, the other is… somewhere in the mid-to-late 20s and perhaps early 30s. Both are mostly focused in Guerilla, but I plan to put points in Gunpowder and at least into one skill in Survival as secondary.

Jakobs gatling guns sound really, really useless at first glance.

Also, apparently Playthrough 2 has some seriously epic gear. I can't get pictures right now, but I've seen a Level 50 Maliwan Hellfire that deals somewhere around 4200 damage or so per round.

Last edited Sep 26, 2012 at 02:41PM EDT

Think I'll play Axton first when I start up on the sequel, but that probably won't happen for some time: I'm just now taking on the "Jaynistown" missions. Have yet to visit Old Haven, been stockpiling corrosive weapons for use against the Lance.

Level 30, Roland with same Support Gunner COM as mentioned last time I was here. Surprisingly, my highest Weapon Proficiency is in Pistols, due to the fact that I've gotten my hands on a powerful S&S Torment machine pistol and a surprisingly lethal Tediore Masher revolver.

I'm playing as siren, with a crazy variety of random skills and guns. I can't really decide on using just one thing.

I just want to stop by and show you guys a little something something I found after killing a giant skag.

I am happy they brang the weapon back!
For the people who do not know what the weapon does here is a demonstration of it from borderlands 1:

It still fires those rockets.

Last edited Sep 26, 2012 at 08:35PM EDT

>Consumes reduced ammo per shot
>Just kidding, no it doesn't

I got a Mac, paid for by my college, so I can't play Borderlands right now. :( I pre-ordered it anyway so I can get the bonuses, but I have to figure out how this boot-camp dual booting thing works. Shouldn't be too long. I have a friend helping me out, now!

But my brother has Windows on his, so I've seen some gameplay. Has anyone seen the weapon "Bane" yet? SPOILER ALERT: This gun is the best gun. No, but seriously, don't watch if you don't want to spoil one of Gearbox's funniest quest items.

Still haven't decided wether to go Siren or Assassin on my first playthrough. I love the stealth and sniping thing Zero's got goin' on, but I also like being a controller and a healer like Maya.

Also, what's everybody's favorite manufacturers? I liked Jakobs in the first, and they look like they'll probably be my favorite in the second as well. My brother said I'll probably like Hyperion in the second because they're weird and everyone hates them. He could have a point. After all, I'm pretty much the only person I know that liked Tediore in the first installment.

Alright, just entered Jakobs' Cove last night. Already visited Dr. Ned at his treehouse in the swamp, now I'm headed to the hospital to pick up a "cure" that he needs to work on…

Swapped Class Mods recently, found one with + 13 ammo regen, plus a small boost to magazine size. Loaded up with a bunch of incendiary weapons, including a Maliwan Volcano which normally hits for some 300 damage.

Yes, I fought my way to the Vault yesterday. Eridian weapons are usually crap, but their "Lightning" rifles? If they had better zoom, they'd be the best sniper rifles in the game. They hit hard, they're accurate, they're quick, and they hit instantly. Plus they do some pretty nasty electric damage, perfect for taking down shields. I actually got my alien weapon proficiency up to level 4 before I fought the Destroyer.

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

Zero. Zero. Zero. Zero. Zero.

All his quotes are in haikus. He have only 4 fingers on his hand.

Zer0 counting his fingers:
One, two, three, and four
I only have four fingers
How did that happen?

Last edited Oct 05, 2012 at 10:58AM EDT

Haven't played any since my last post, but I have been thinking.

What if I got the two Borderlands games for PC via Steam? I know of a website that has tutorials for a program called "Willowtree" that allows you to build your own gear, but I don't think there's any way to get items you built on your PC into the game if you play on a console. If the PC versions support gamepad, I might just have to see what it's like to run around with an entire set of top of the line guns, shields, class mods and grenade mods.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

Just created this.
Your welcome.

Nice Downvote, Nair.

But have you looked at her skills? Evil Enchantress, Potent as a Pony, 20% Cooler, Discord, The Stare, Buck Up, Sharing is Caring (maybe) and Make It Sparkle (also maybe)… So much MLP.

On another note, I bought it this morning on Steam, along with Mechromancer pack. Going to jump in now. Probably going to play Maya, but Gaige does look pretty fun, and Zer0 is appealing too…

Yeah, thanks, just because of those skill names I know I'm never using the Mechromancer… /sincerity

Thanks, Gearbox. /sarcasm

But anyone got thoughts on my previous post?

Twilitlord wrote:

Nice Downvote, Nair.

But have you looked at her skills? Evil Enchantress, Potent as a Pony, 20% Cooler, Discord, The Stare, Buck Up, Sharing is Caring (maybe) and Make It Sparkle (also maybe)… So much MLP.

On another note, I bought it this morning on Steam, along with Mechromancer pack. Going to jump in now. Probably going to play Maya, but Gaige does look pretty fun, and Zer0 is appealing too…

Wanna do co-op?

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

Wanna do co-op?

Sometime, sure. I went with Maya, played for hours and already have her at level 8 and in Sanctuary. This game is amazing.

Twilitlord wrote:

Sometime, sure. I went with Maya, played for hours and already have her at level 8 and in Sanctuary. This game is amazing.

I'm level 7 Mechromancer, so we're pretty much perfect levels. If you ever see me online just send an invite and I'll probably play.
On another note, I can't wait to see how /v/ reacts to the pony perks. They hate Borderlands and despise ponies, so the combination will probably result in twenty-seven square kilometers of rage.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

I'm level 7 Mechromancer, so we're pretty much perfect levels. If you ever see me online just send an invite and I'll probably play.
On another note, I can't wait to see how /v/ reacts to the pony perks. They hate Borderlands and despise ponies, so the combination will probably result in twenty-seven square kilometers of rage.

@/v/ rage
They just mad that they don't got good games like Borderlands.
Also ponies.

I'm level 42 going to 43 soon as a Commando.
Deploying a turret with rocket pods, longbow, and as a NUKE is just got to be the best HOLY SHITSTORMS that people ever seen.

I'm now level 46 with my gunzerker, and I recently got the "Pink Pandoricorn" skin. It's pink with a unicorn on it. I am SO wearing it all the time now. I also have the "Top Card" head on, mainly because it looks hilarious with it. If any of you wanna know how to get it, you get it from a challenge called "Nothing Rhymes with Orange" and you basically have to get 15 orange things. I just farmed the Warrior.

I've got, like, seven different profiles and haven't beaten the game once. I like the Gunzerker much more than I thought I would. He's perfect for close-quarters combat like Brick, but with the never-ending bullet hose perks that I loved about Roland. Dual wielding triple-barrel shotties right now (sadly, haven't found him a quadruple-barrel). I have two assassin profiles: one for sniping and one for the Bloodshed tree. Can't pick a favorite between the two! And I have a healer Maya, which I may soon respec to Controller because I'm getting bored, and an Axton that's only level seven and I just have no motivation to play as.

But Gaige… Gaige is my favorite BY FAR. Ordered Chaos is the best skill tree yet, and the way Best Friends Forever plays into the weaknesses of the chaos tree makes for some interesting character builds. Here, just look at what I'm talking about; check out this video where the Mechromancer kills Terramorphous in two seconds without even really aiming at him:

If you get creative, she has some of the best perks available, and her variety allows each Mechromancer to play very different from the next. Also, she can get a gun with zero bullets in it with her perk Smaller, Lighter, Faster, and that's positively silly.

I've gotten a lot of playtime with one of Jackal's Mechromancers, as that profile almost perfectly matches my level, and let me say, he's right. Gaige is a ridiculously powerful force at close range. The Deathtrap pathfinding and combat AI can be a little bit wierd at times, though – we were fighting in a large area last night and his Deathtrap was pretty a hundred feet away, fighting an enemy we hadn't even aggroed (it is possible I hit it while I was on overwatch with my sniper rifle, but I'm pretty sure I didn't). Otherwise, that robot is badass.

I'm still playing my Siren, she's around level 16 or 17 now. I'm running some underleveled rare guns (except for a Jakobs revolver with a stock, thanks for winning that one, Jackal; Jakobs revolvers are probably one of my favorites). The thing is, these two guns are ridiculously powerful. My main gun is a double-barrel Bandit fire shotgun I got as a quest reward; when I first got it, I was one-shotting everyone I fought, and I still one-shot Nomads and the occasional Bruiser. That gun is so overpowered it's not even funny, and it's three levels under. My second gun is a Rare Valdof electric sniper rifle. The power isn't as high as some sniper rifles I've gotten, but with the great firing speed, big clip, and low kick, it probably surpasses them in overall damage over a period of time. My last gun (right now, I just unlocked the 4th slot last night and got off right afterwards) is the aforementioned revolver, which lacks somewhat in power, but makes it up in decent clip size and much lower kickback.

I'll probably play this profile for awhile, maybe even to completion, before I make a new one. While I do want to make a new profile, I'm a completionist before anything, and I'll have to get near or past the end before I start anew. Anyways, I'm using the Harmony skill tree right now; Res is probably one of the greatest skills ever. If I make a new Siren, I'd probably follow the path of Cataclysm, it looks fun.

Gaige is a ridiculously powerful force at close range.

That's all thanks to my favorite perk, Anarchy! Every time I get a kill or empty my clip, I gain a damage bonus, but at the cost of accuracy. The bonus can stack up to 150 times (400 with Preshrunk Cyberpunk skill, 600 with additional skill points from a class mod), and that adds up to a metric fuckton of damage. at 1.75% per stack, that's up to ten times your normal damage. That is, of course, if you can actually get a hit in with a tenth of your accuracy! I didn't have Preshrunk Cyperpunk yet, btw, Twilit. Gaige gets a lot tougher. My other Mechromancer is even better! Albeit, harder to use since I didn't get Close Enough. FYI, for anyone interested, Close Enough works with Torgue weapons.

My second gun is a Rare Valdof electric sniper rifle. The power isn’t as high as some sniper rifles I’ve gotten, but with the great firing speed, big clip, and low kick, it probably surpasses them in overall damage over a period of time.

Yeah, the gun you got from Mike Mamaril. He has a 10% chance of spawning in Sanctuary. And after speaking with him, he gives you an item that's at least blue in rarity, so usually something good. Keep an eye out for him!


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